Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Vaporization was the transition of a liquid substance into a gaseous state known as vapor. Boiling and evaporation were types of vaporization. Colloquially, vaporization also referred to any object being turned into vapor, such as with a solid object technically undergoing the process of sublimation.

In 1996, time traveler Tom Paris from 2373 told Rain Robinson not to scream, but to trust him and that he would explain everything about their situation, otherwise she would have to take her chances with Dunbar who tried to vaporize her with a 29th century directed energy weapon.

While in Henry Starling's office at the headquarters of Chronowerx Industries, Captain Kathryn Janeway of the USS Voyager told Starling, who had taken the 29th century timeship Aeon and planned to launch it, that she had a starship in orbit that could, in the blink of an eye, vaporize the entire building, herself along with it if necessary. (VOY: "Future's End")

In 2063, time traveler Jean-Luc Picard from 2373 told Lily Sloane that had she fired on him with a phaser set to maximum setting, he would have been vaporized. She responded that it was her first ray gun. (Star Trek: First Contact)

According to the convict Stone in 2256, a dilithium pocket of a mine on Tellun went piezoelectric and ripped apart the bottom of the mine which resulted in fifty convicts being vaporized. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")

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