Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
San Francisco, 2270s

Golden Gate Bridge over liquid water

"Get a good night's sleep and drink plenty of fluids."
"Everybody should drink plenty of fluids"
The Doctor and Kes, 2371 ("Time and Again")

A liquid or fluid is one of the four fundamental states of matter. It could be characterized as a fluid of neutrally-charged atoms that were held together by intermolecular bonding. A liquid has a fixed volume, but its shape is determined by its container.

A common example of a liquid was the water found in an ocean or lake.

In 2151, Enterprise NX-01 went through a layer of liquid phosphorus in the atmosphere of a class 7 gas giant, where a Suliban helix was located. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

Founders' homeworld surface, 2372

The Founders in a liquid state

The Founders' natural state was that of a liquid. In 2371, the Romulans were able to distinguish individual life signs from orbit of the Founders' homeworld via sensors, while they were in a liquid state. It was later determined that these sensor reading were false, and that the planet was deserted. (DS9: "The Die is Cast")

Brown tricobalt 126 was a non-linear explosive used to bind dissolved oxygen in a fluid environment for emergency firefighting and oxidation control applications. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

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