Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Vallon sonore" was an aria from the opera Les Troyens by Earth composer Hector Berlioz.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard listened to the aria in his ready room aboard the USS Enterprise-E just before the decision to violate Starfleet orders, and enter the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373. (Star Trek: First Contact)

In 2401, after he rescued Raffaela Musiker from the Ferengi Sneed and his men, Worf spent time on the SS La Sirena, performing Klingon calisthenics while Vallon sonore played in the background. (PIC: "Seventeen Seconds")

This aria was credited as "Vallone Sonore" in the film's end credits.


French English

Vallon sonore
Où dès l'aurore
Je m'en allais chantant, hélas!
Sous tes grands bois chantera-t-il encore,
Le pauvre Hylas?
Berce mollement sur ton sein sublime,
Ô puissante mer, l'enfant de Dindyme.

Fraîche ramée,
Retraite aimée,
Contre les feux du jour, hélas!
Quand rendras-tu ton ombre parfumée
Au pauvre Hylas?
Berce mollement sur ton sein sublime,
Ô puissante mer, l'enfant de Dindyme.

Humble chaumière,
Où de ma mère
Je reçus les adieux, hélas!
Reverra-t-il ton heureuse misère,
Le pauvre Hylas?
Berce mollement sur ton sein sublime,
Ô puissante mer, l'enfant....

O echoing valley,
Where, at the break of day,
I once wandered singing, alas!
Will he ever sing again beneath your great woods,
Poor Hylas?
Rock gently upon your sublime breast,
O mighty sea, the child of Dindymus.

O cool bower,
Beloved refuge
From the fires of the day, alas!
When shall you give back your scented shade
To poor Hylas?
Rock gently upon your sublime breast,
O mighty sea, the child of Dindymus.

O humble dwelling,
Where I received
My mother's farewell, alas!
Will he see your happy poverty once more,
Poor Hylas?
Rock gently upon your sublime breast,
O mighty sea, the child....
