Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The United Earth Defense Force (UEDF) was the military force maintained by United Earth in the late 32nd century, following Earth's withdrawal from the United Federation of Planets a century prior.


Around 3089, roughly twenty years after the Burn devastated the galaxy, the Federation and Starfleet were unsure of what caused the Burn, let alone how to prevent another; Earth was deemed exceptionally vulnerable. As a consequence, the Federation relocated its headquarters elsewhere, as Earth believed it was a potential target for whatever or whoever caused the Burn. Sometime after the Burn and the relocation of the Federation and Starfleet, Earth withdrew from the Federation altogether and rebuilt themselves to be self-sustainable.

By the following century, the United Earth Defense Force (UEDF) had replaced Starfleet as Earth's main defense role. Through 3189, the UEDF had been in conflict with Wen and his raiders, a conflict which came to an end because of the intervention of the USS Discovery. (DIS: "People of Earth")


Representative species []

Many different races were represented in the UEDF, such as:



The Defense Force utilized starships equipped with quantum torpedoes. (DIS: "People of Earth")

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