Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
"People have disrupted stations before without being Klingon agents. Sometimes, all they need is a title, Mister Baris."
James T. Kirk, 2268 ("The Trouble with Tribbles")

The Undersecretary in Charge of Agricultural Affairs was a high-ranking bureaucratic title and position held within the Federation.

Undersecretary Nilz Baris, who held this position during the late 2260s, was responsible for the quadrant of Federation space where Sherman's Planet and Deep Space Station K-7 were located. Specifically, he was in charge of the development project on Sherman's Planet in 2268, where, under under this authority, he was able to call a Code One Alert to summon assistance with the project and put an entire quadrant on defense alert. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")
