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Memory Alpha

Mister – known in French as monsieur (for "my lord") or in Spanish as señor (for "sir"), and abbreviated as Mr. – was a moderately formal title used in addressing an individual, most typically a male. It was often combined with the individual's surname; it was usually used socially and implied either respect or a lack of an established social relationship (as when first meeting someone). In such a case, it was also often used when a person addressed another, whose name they did not know. (ENT: "Cold Front", "Fusion"; TOS: "The Conscience of the King"; TNG: "Allegiance", "Unification II"; DS9: "Past Tense, Part II", "Our Man Bashir", "Honor Among Thieves")

The term "mister" was properly used to a variety of civilian individuals, such as: Mister Garak or Mister Neelix (DS9: "Past Prologue"; VOY: "Caretaker") Prior to knowing what his occupation was, Tiron adressed Odo as mister. (DS9: "Meridian")

The President of the Federation was properly addressed as "Mister President." (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) The Chairman of the Tal Shiar was properly addressed as "Mister Chairman". (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges") The high advisor of Stratos was properly addressed as "Mister Advisor". (TOS: "The Cloud Minders")

James T. Kirk referred to Charlie Evans as "Mister Evans". Evans, who was not raised by Humans and who lack the understand of many formalities, later asked Doctor Leonard McCoy "Why does he call me Mister Evans?" To which McCoy could only reply, "Because that's your name." (TOS: "Charlie X")

Neelix often referred to Tuvok as "Mister Vulcan," a result of a misunderstanding during their first meeting. (VOY: "Caretaker")

During the Dominion War in 2374, Jake Sisko approached Weyoun 5 addressing him as "Mister Weyoun". Weyoun responded, stating, "Oh, please. I prefer just Weyoun." (DS9: "A Time to Stand")

After his marriage to Deanna Troi, William T. Riker was jokingly referred to as "Mister Troi." (Star Trek Nemesis)

Use in service[]

In Starfleet, adhering to old Earth naval tradition, it was also used sometimes in lieu of a more formal rank. This was generally done only when a superior officer addressed a subordinate, but it could also be used by subordinate-ranked individuals with superior officers when there was an established social relationship as well. (TOS: "The Cage")

In line with the tradition, and formalized by Starfleet protocol, the moniker was also utilized in Starfleet by senior officers to address female subordinate officers, as was the case with Lieutenant Saavik. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) Not all Starfleet female officers were enamored with the naval tradition of using original male monikers for females as well, as Ensign Harry Kim discovered when he introduced himself to his new captain, Kathryn Janeway, using the correct moniker "sir" – the formal companion moniker of "mister", used when addressing a superior officer. Janeway made it clear that she preferred being addressed by rank, "Ensign, despite Starfleet protocol, I don't like being addressed as sir. (...) Ma'am is acceptable in a crunch, but I prefer Captain." (VOY: "Caretaker") Counselor Deanna Troi on the other hand, half-jokingly admonished Data to address her henceforth as "sir", upon her promotion to commander. (TNG: "Thine Own Self")

Women in Starfleet referred to as "mister", included:

On some occasions, the term may be used alone to address an individual, as in an example given by Captain James T. Kirk in 2266 on board the USS Enterprise. During a conference with several crew members, Lieutenant Stiles became heated in protest to the lack of action being taken in pursuit of a Romulan Bird-of-Prey. After allowing Stiles to speak freely, Kirk calmly replied, "Sit down, mister." (TOS: "Balance of Terror") Following the capture of Pavel Chekov, who was believed to have been a Russian spy discovered aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise in 1986, he was warned by the interrogating FBI agent that "You play games with me, mister, and you're through." (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

A Starfleet captain was not generally referred to as "mister." Jean-Luc Picard did not mind being mistakenly called "Mister Picard" by Professor Galen in 2368. (TNG: "The Chase") Captain Will Decker was referred to as "Mister Decker" after being temporarily reduced in rank to commander in the 2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Jack took note of Julian Bashir not like those from the Institute, as he recognized that Bashir was able to pass himself off as "normal", mockingly calling him "mister normal Starfleet man. Mister productive member of society," before suggesting that he and the others like him could "learn to be just like him. Wear little uniforms. Yes, sir. No, sir. Thank you, sir." (DS9: "Statistical Probabilities")

Individuals addressed as misters[]

"Mister" Nicknames[]

External link[]
