Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The USS Archer (NCC-44278) was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet.

In 2379, the Archer was assigned to Star Fleet Battle Group Omega. This battle group was redirected by Starfleet Command to sector 1045 for a rendezvous with the USS Enterprise-E, which was returning from Romulan space with the Reman warbird Scimitar, under the command of Shinzon, in pursuit. The Enterprise was forced to face the Scimitar without the support of the fleet, however, when Shinzon ambushed the Enterprise in the Bassen Rift. (Star Trek Nemesis)

By 2401, it had been replaced by the Ross-class USS Archer. (PIC: "The Star Gazer")

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 41, the Archer was an Excelsior-class starship, which was named for Captain Jonathan Archer.

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