Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of unnamed Type 7 shuttlecraft.

By year[]

Shuttle used to retrieve Picard []

Type 7 shuttlecraft 1

The shuttle used to retrieve Picard from the Borg

In early 2367, Data and Worf used this shuttle to retrieve Locutus of Borg from the Borg cube heading for Earth. The Borg destroyed the shuttle shortly after they were successful. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")

Galen's shuttle []

Galen's shuttlecraft

Galen's shuttle

In 2369 Professor Galen was using a Type 7 shuttle as transport. It was damaged in an attack by a Yridian destroyer. (TNG: "The Chase")

Enterprise-D saucer evacuation shuttles []

Shuttles on the crashed USS Enterprise-D saucer

Several shuttles evacuating the Enterprise-D saucer

In 2371, several Type 7 shuttles from the Nebula-class starship USS Farragut, along with a Miranda-class and an Oberth-class starship were used to evacuate the survivors of the USS Enterprise-D's saucer after it crashed on Veridian III. (Star Trek Generations)

It is unclear which ship(s) these Type 7 shuttles belonged to, though it seems unlikely that they were the Enterprise-D's, as the main shuttlebay doors were still closed.
