Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
The Archeology Department

Noonien-Singh and Kirk outside The Archeology Department

The Archeology Department was an antique and curio shop located in Vermont on Earth during the early 21st century. Operated by Pelia, it housed numerous artifacts from across Human history that she had collected over the course of her extremely long life.

In 2022, La'an Noonien-Singh and an alternate timeline version of James T. Kirk visited the shop to seek Pelia's help in locating a secret cold fusion reactor in Toronto. When Singh initially heard Pelia say she worked for the archaeology department, she assumed it was at an university.

By the 2260s, she shared that she still owned it, and described it as "a bunker in Vermont where I used to live in case this whole "no money, socialist utopia" thing turns out to be a fad." (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")
