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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Daniels (Crewman) article.
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Is Daniels Starfleet? If so, shouldn't his uniform style be included in the page which shows the various uniforms worn in starfleet? zsingaya 20:04, 11 May 2005 (UTC)

It might be an unique uniform only for certain people. I'm not sure, but I know the uniforms on the timeship USS Relativity from the 29th century are much more like 24th-century uniforms than they are like Daniels' uniform. They might have undergone an EXTREMELY DRASTIC redesign in those 2 centuries, but I doubt it, if they remained roughly the same for the 500 or more years before then. My theory is that Daniels' uniform is more like a spacesuit for time-travelers than it is a uniform. But then, it could just be the producers of Enterprise ignoring continuity and being stupid like they always do. --Malimar 03:50, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)
In "Cold Front", Daniels told Jonathan Archer that he was not a part of his century's Starfleet, although he had considered joining at one time. Daniels does work for the Federation, but he is not a part of Starfleet. --Shran 15:54, 1 Jul 2005 (UTC)
We really don't know that he works for the UFP, though. We're assuming it, because he seems like a nice fella and a helpful one, but that isn't a known quantity by any means. -- Sci 20:13, 31 August 2005 (EST)
Unless you count the fact that he was determined to stop Archer from killing himself so he could play his part in founding the Federation and was quite bothered by the fact the the Federation had been removed from the timeline. It is quite likely he does represent the Federation. – Fadm tyler 03:50, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
Concur with User:Malimar on Daniels' uniform being like a spacesuit for time travelers.
My take on it before reading the synopsis of "Shockwave, Part II" has been that Daniels himself was the time machine, along with the uniform. -Mardus 01:46, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

Alternate Daniels[]

Isn't Daniels from an alternate timeline? In his timeline the Battle of Procyon V happened and the destruction of the Spheres didn't happen. Yet in 'our' universe, the Spheres are destroyed and there is no Expanse in TNG, DS9 etc. Also, his people had no idea about the Xindi weapon destroying Florida and Venezuela so he must be in an alternate timeline. Why then does he appear at the end of Storm Front, surely he shouldn't have existed after everything had been corrected, the Spheres et al.? The preceding unsigned comment was added by 14:53, August 2, 2006

I can see why you might think he belonged to an alternate timeline, but the writers would seem to have us believe that he actually belonged to 'our' timeline. After 'our' timeline was altered by the Xindi attack and what-not, Daniels in effect became a part of that timeline, although it took some, um... time. As Daniels stated in "Carpenter Street", the changes in the timeline caused by the Xindi & the Sphere Builders would take a while to "ripple" through the timeline and reach the 31st century. We're supposed to assume that change happened by the time the Battle of Procyon V was shown, and Daniels was now integrated into the "changed" timeline, which was now 'our' timeline, so in effect isn't an alternate timeline. And if that made any sense to you, then please, feel free to explain it to me sometime. :P --From Andoria with Love 19:30, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
Sure, it's magic! Seriously, I think Daniels explains it better in Shockwave, Part II where he tells Archer he's "treating time-travel like some H.G. Wells novel," and it's not. So in effect; all of the paradoxes we see come from what limited understanding we, from the early 21st century, have of how time works. Much like how Newton could never predict the effects of relativity (time and distance dilation with a massive increase in momentum due to change in mass) from near-light speeds (i.e. greater than 90% light speed is when such effects get extremely pronounced). Did that help Shran? -Lord Hyren 07:38, 13 November 2007 (UTC)

Starfleet Delta[]

Close inspection of the image reveals part of the insignia shown is the Starfleet delta symbol. Do you think this would provide sufficient evidence that Daniels is part of Starfleet, or at least the Federation? 22:03, 9 August 2007 (UTC)

That much seemed relatively clear in ENT: "Shockwave, Part II", the Federation part, that is. --Alan del Beccio 22:09, 9 August 2007 (UTC)
I believe the rank pin comes from when he was wearing an Earth Starfleet uniform from the 22nd century as part of his mission to pose as a member of Earth Starfleet. It is a standard rank pin, not something from the 31st century, and not evidence of what group he was with at the time. Alan, of course, is right, Shockwave basically cleared up any question. --OuroborosCobra talk 22:14, 9 August 2007 (UTC)
Yes, it's from "Cold Front", he never appeared in his black outfit from later episodes/seasons in that episode. Just a regular 22nd Century Earth Starfleet crewman pin. --Jörg 23:07, 9 August 2007 (UTC)

Ah right. I didn't think I could see it on his 31st C. uniform, but I had to check, regardless. Thanks for the replies. The preceding unsigned comment was added by

Iconian gateway speculation[]

Judging from the fact that Captain Jonathan Archer and others have traveled to different points of space and time instantaneously just by walking through a doorway, it is possible that in the 31st century, the Federation has access to a temporal equivalent of the Iconian gateway technology, where they can make an invisible gateway appear wherever (and whenever) they set it to and then set the destination to where they want the travelers to go to.

The [above] speculation was removed from the article. --From Andoria with Love 02:09, 29 September 2008 (UTC)

Removed speculation[]

I'm taking this out,

Considering the symptoms, it is likely that Daniels body was in temporal flux, just like Chakotay's was in VOY: "Shattered".

Sounds like speculation to me. -Angry Future Romulan 21:24, April 27, 2010 (UTC)


Daniels was possibly referring to the fact that by the 31st century, species inter-breeding had become commonplace, as seen in ENT: "Future Tense".

for the same reason. -Angry Future Romulan 16:32, May 17, 2010 (UTC)


In ENT: "Cold Front", Archer explicitly asks Daniels if he's Human. Daniels says something like, "More or less." For his species, then, shouldn't it say either "near-Human," "Human hybrid" or "unknown"? Something along those lines? -Randy (talk) 19:29, August 1, 2014 (UTC)

I think "Near Human" would be best, maybe with a footnote in the background section. -- Compvox (talk) 21:33, November 20, 2014 (UTC)
If there are no objections, I'm going to change it to "Near Human". -- Compvox (talk) 10:19, December 1, 2014 (UTC)
If just Human won't do, use the quote, as in "Human (more or less)". - Archduk3 05:52, December 2, 2014 (UTC)
I think that's better. I'll make the edit and add a footnote. -- Compvox (talk) 08:53, December 2, 2014 (UTC)


Is "Daniels (Crewman)" really the best title? He only posed as a crewman very briefly before revealing himself as being a temporal agent. I feel like "Daniels (Temporal Agent)" would be more accurate, and more likely to be what people would look for over Crewman. Dystyyy (talk) 14:02, December 10, 2015 (UTC)

To be honest, they'd likely look for "Daniels" in the search bar. See "temporal agent" right near the top... and go for that, which would lead them to... here. The disambiguated "daniels" all come under that in the search. -- sulfur (talk) 14:05, December 10, 2015 (UTC)

I'm not sure I completely understand your point. Wouldn't having the direct title of the article be what they would be looking for be more efficient than them having to use a disambig page? Dystyyy (talk) 02:04, December 12, 2015 (UTC)

"Daniels" will exist as a disambiguation page because there are multiple ones with the same name.
If someone searches for "Daniels", the disambiguation page comes first, then "Daniels' database", "Temporal agent", then the various disambiguations of such.
Any of the first three takes a person to this page one step away. Also, "Crewman" is how he introduced himself and was generally known. Finally, "Crewman" is a much shorter disambiguation than "temporal agent" (which is what it would be).
That's really my point there. -- sulfur (talk) 02:43, December 12, 2015 (UTC)

I see what you mean now, thanks for the explanation. Dystyyy (talk) 04:02, December 12, 2015 (UTC)


I've removed the following comment, because we list neither unknowns nor speculations:

The identity of his faction remains unknown, although he might be attached to the Temporal Integrity Commission in his native time period. Either Starfleet and Temporal Commission are separate entities or Starfleet no longer exists in its Federation-style configuration by the 31st century.

I've also excised a sentence which stated,

During Archer's meeting with Daniels that took place in the past, prior to Enterprise's first launch, when Archer says he thought Daniels died previously (in 'Cold Front'), Daniels replies that he did die "in a manner of speaking." (ENT: "Shockwave")

I've removed this in-universe statement because, firstly, it was wrongfully included in the bginfo section, and because the same info is already on the page, in the in-universe section. --Defiant (talk) 14:50, June 12, 2017 (UTC)

Comment about recurring characters[]

Under background info there is a line that reads:

Along with Shran, Ambassador Soval and Porthos, Daniels is one of only four characters, outside of the main ones, to appear in all four seasons of Star Trek: Enterprise.

Is this accurate? Doesn’t Admiral Forrest also appear in all 4 seasons? Autogatos (talk) 23:47, 15 October 2023 (UTC)

Forrest wasn't in Season 3. SheridanSinclair (talk) 14:21, 28 June 2024 (UTC)