Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
The original Defiant in the mirror universe.
Username: Defiant
Home (also Place of Birth): Scotland, Planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy
USS Defiant firing phaser cannons

The prototype USS Defiant from DS9.

Memory Alpha: Babel
This user is a native speaker of English.
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Welcome to my User page. Between 1 May 2005 and 14 July 2011, I was an admin on this wiki. I preferred editing articles rather than doing administrative tasks. Nowadays, I am editor-in-chief of the Star Trek website (a site I created in 2021) and write for the official Star Trek magazine, Star Trek Explorer.

All my Memory Alpha contributions can be found here. If you like/dislike my contributions, or have any issues you'd like to bring to my attention, etc., feel free to leave a message on my Talk page. Alternatively, you can email me at

I'm the founder of The X-Files Wiki. If you're a fan of both the Star Trek universe and the X-Files Universe (including The Lone Gunmen and Millennium), just drop on by and help to build the site.

I also created one of the internet's most complete archives of log entries - Star Trek: Captain's Logs.

Much of my work on Memory Alpha has been on episode articles and my use of Teaser/Acts sections revolutionized episode summaries on this site. Although some users argued that the method of using Teaser and Acts sections is not an improvement, a lot of the episode summaries found on MA use the method and the first use can be seen here. I also made a systematic effort to upgrade the background info on the episode articles for both Voyager (unfortunately, I only got to Season 5) and TAS as well as concentrating on the non-episode bg info parts of this site, particularly for recurring aspects.

Favourite Productions[]

Some of my all-time favorite Star Trek productions are TNG: "The Defector" (the first Trek I ever saw; I was hooked from that moment on!) and the series of original Star Trek films (which I pretty much grew up watching). There's no Trek series or movie which I don't like, though it took me a long time to start finding DS9 enjoyable, and the relatively outdated original series is now probably my least favourite (though it was certainly good for its time and still has some great stories).

For years before trying to upgrade the Voyager episode pages, I hadn't much liked Voyager as a series, finding Neelix a bit annoying and the Borg to have been severely over-used in the later seasons of the show. Even as I began the work on the Voyager episode articles, I still felt the same way about the later seasons. As I researched the episodes and worked on the articles about them, however, I developed more of an appreciation for the entire series from a production perspective.

STID Spock poster

Star Trek Into Darkness, one of my favourite Star Trek productions; I loved seeing the volcano sequence in 3D

Having written a fan fiction series called Star Trek: Discovery in my youth, I find it interesting that there's now a canonical Star Trek: Discovery (the show is surprisingly close to the fanfic series I imagined), but I'm sadly disappointed by it. The series has so much potential, yet I feel it is overly violent and has the problem of setting up too many dangling plot threads and resolving too few of them, such as all the many aesthetic differences and its contradictions with pre-existing canon. In fact, in my opinion, "Disco" is easily the worst Star Trek series ever created. My feelings about the series can be summed up by a statement B'Elanna Torres makes, about her more violent, Klingon half, in VOY: "Faces": "That's the way you respond to every situation, isn't it? If it doesn't work, hit it. If it's in your way, knock it down."

My favourite Trek productions in the post-2009 era have been Star Trek Into Darkness (which is quite violent too, though I can accept this more in a movie production than a flashy but lame TV series) and the first episode of Star Trek: Picard, "Remembrance", and I also loved the documentary What We Left Behind. As well as a promising future, Star Trek also obviously has a very vibrant past, which we can gratefully enjoy for a long time to come. Engage!


Stewart reviews SH script in Locutus costume
Piller in office
Shooting The House of Quark
Alex Kurtzman writing Star Trek Into Darkness script

I thought it might be interesting/useful for myself and others to be able to see, at a glance (sort of) which Star Trek scripts I have access to, any of which can be consulted on request. A huge thanks firstly, of course, to all the amazing writers on the multiple Star Trek series. Many thanks also to the Star Trek insiders who have helped me collect these scripts, especially Larry Nemecek (whose website is here) and Suzie Raney (whose website is here). They're both great sources of insider content, including much more than scripts. A listing of the scripts I have access to follow (unless otherwise stated, each script is from my personal collection and is a final draft script):
