Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

General Stex was a Klingon adviser in the late-23rd century.

In 2293, Stex accompanied Chancellor Gorkon and his contingent in attending a formal dinner aboard the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A, which was escorting Kronos One to peace talks on Earth.

Later that evening, when a pair of assassins (later identified as Enterprise crew members Burke and Samno) beamed aboard Kronos One, Stex was seriously wounded, losing his right arm in the attack, which also resulted in the death of Chancellor Gorkon.

Afterwards, Stex testified at the trial for Captain James T. Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy. He then attended the Khitomer Conference with Azetbur, Gorkon's daughter, who had been elevated to the position of Chancellor in the wake of her father's death. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

Background information[]

General Stex was played by actor Brett Porter. This character was only named in the source's end credits. In the script, where he was also named Stex, he was described as "one of President Gorkon's Guards."

According to special effects make-up artist and designer Richard Snell, "We did one blowaway arm on General Stex, and we had to make a casting of his arm and design a rig that blows off because he has his arm blown off. Interestingly, we did not have to rig it for blood. We ended up not making any blood rigs for the stump that gets phasered off and goes blasting away. They're in zero gravity and the blood would float in the air in globules, [which] was an optical effect that ILM took care of." (Charting the Undiscovered Country: The Making of Trek VI, p. 59)

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Kor'choth.
