Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"We are a proud race, and we are here because we intend to go on being proud."
Azetbur, 2293 (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

Azetbur was a female Klingon of the 23rd century Klingon Empire and the daughter of Gorkon, the Chancellor of the Klingon High Council. She became the chancellor upon the death of her father and completed his work in signing the historic First Khitomer Accords.

In 2293, Azetbur traveled with her father aboard the Kronos One to attend peace talks between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets. During a dinner with the command staff of the USS Enterprise-A, she opined that the Federation was hypocritical for favoring Humans while claiming egalitarian ideals.

Shortly after, Gorkon was assassinated as part of a conspiracy to sabotage the peace talks. Azetbur was subsequently elevated to the position of chancellor in her father's place, inheriting the Klingon Chain of Office from him. In her new role as chancellor, she continued her father's attempts to achieve peace, and demanded a secret neutral location from the Federation President. She also had General Chang represent the state in the prosecution of James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy, and said she wanted a conviction.

A week later, she attended the Khitomer Conference at Camp Khitomer. There, Azetbur was present for an attempted assassination of the Federation president by members of the conspiracy, an assassination prevented by Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise with the assistance of Captain Sulu and the USS Excelsior. At the conclusion of the crisis, having witnessed Captain Kirk's defense of peace in spite of his earlier prejudices towards Klingons, she told him, "You've restored my father's faith," to which Kirk replied, "And you've restored my son's," referring to David Marcus, who had been murdered by Klingons. Azetbur signed the First Khitomer Accords and oversaw the new direction for the Empire. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

In the early 25th century, Starfleet honored Azetbur by naming a starship after her, the USS Azetbur. (PIC: "The Next Generation")


Background information[] spells her name as both "Aztbur" and "Azetbur".


The novelization of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country states that Gorkon expected something to happen to him and therefore used his influence to see that the Council would indeed install Azetbur as chancellor. Also in the novel, Azetbur and Brigadier Kerla are lovers, a romantic attachment briefly disrupted when she suspects him of complicity in her father's death.

The novel Serpents Among the Ruins, set in 2311, showed Azetbur after nearly two decades in power, dealing with the unpopular stance of maintaining the peace with the Federation and remaining neutral in a brewing conflict between the Federation and the Romulans. She is assassinated by Ditagh, an agent of General Kaarg, whom she believed to be an ally. Kaarg assumes the Chancellorship himself, and one of his first acts is to ban women from ever being Chancellor again, or even sitting on the High Council (a ban still in place in 2367, as mentioned in TNG: "Redemption").

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