Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)
For the interactive in-universe use of scaled miniatures, please see model. For filming models used in Star Trek productions, please see studio model.
AMT Model kit S921 USS Enterprise 1966

AMT's USS Enterprise from 1966, the first Star Trek model kit

The development of Star Trek model kits began shortly after Star Trek: The Original Series began to air in 1966. AMT acquired the license to produce plastic model kits based on the series and announced their plan to produce a kit of the USS Enterprise.

The model's resounding success at retail prompted AMT's development of a follow-up kit, resulting in the creation of the D7-class Klingon battle cruiser, released as model kit in 1968. It was specifically designed for AMT by Matt Jefferies. The D7 design was soon featured in the third season of Star Trek by the show's producers. These two models were the only Star Trek models AMT released while The Original Series was still in production. The only other company, besides AMT/Aurora, that produced model kits while the series was in production, though only just barely, was the Japanese company KSN Midori, in the guise of two differently sized USS Enterprise kits, for the Japanese market only.

Over the next decade, and after The Original Series had wrapped, AMT would expand upon the line to include the Romulan Bird-of-Prey, a Spock figure kit, and scaled versions of Star Trek props. Originally, AMT chose not to license the Star Trek name outside of the US. Aurora Plastics Corporation, another noted model kit company, leased AMT's molds and released the models outside of the US. The Spock figure kit originated from Aurora but a reciprocal leasing agreement gave AMT the exclusive rights to release the figure in the US. AMT bought the Spock figure's tooling from Aurora in 1976.

At the release of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, AMT was acquired by Matchbox (or rather its parent company Lesney Products & Co. Ltd.) and began to expand its range to include the refit-Enterprise, the K't'inga-class battle cruiser, and the long range shuttle. AMT continued to release kits based on the Star Trek films following its acquisition by the Ertl Company in 1981. AMT/Ertl subsequently gained the licenses to produce model kits based on The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine but Revell-Monogram was able to outbid them for the license to produce ships from Star Trek: Voyager. AMT/Ertl's original Star Trek line came to an end in 1999.

Following AMT/Ertl's merger with Racing Champions, the company tried to revive the Star Trek line with four re-releases in 2005. The line's revival strongly improved after 2008 when the AMT division was acquired by Round 2 LLC and was given a new and unique AMT branding.

Since the 1990s, a limited number of other companies including GEOmetric Design, Tsukuda Hobby, Polar Lights (acquired from Racing Champions by Round 2 in 2007), Platz (through an one-time-only sub-license from Polar Lights), Bandai, and De Agostini (Japan) have been officially licensed to produce plastic Star Trek model kits. Excepting Polar Lights, most of these licenses were extended on an one-time-only basis for either a limited time (Tsukuda, Bandai), a particular kind of kit only (GEOmatric Design's figurine kits, De Agostini's single ship partwork model kit) or special occasions (Platz[1]). In 2016, Moebius Models became the last known third-party model kit company to be extended a temporary, to the alternate reality films restricted, licence to manufacture and release such Star Trek model kits. Of their planned four inaugural releases however, only two were eventually released in 2018. [2]

As of 2020 though, Revell Germany (spun-off from Revell-Monogram in 2006, becoming a fully European-owned independent company) and Round 2 LLC (current owner of both AMT and Polar Lights) are the only two known fully licensed model kit companies to actually release Star Trek model kits on a regular basis, Revell Germany doing so far less frequently than its two American counterparts do, with AMT limiting itself to re-issues of their kit releases predating their acquisition by Round 2. The status of the US Revell-Monogram Voyager license, was until 2021 unclear as no Star Trek model kit has been released by them since 1997, nor are any likely to follow as the last Monogram owner Hobbico declared bankruptcy in June 2018. [3]

However, that uncertainty came to an end in July 2021, when Polar Lights released a differently scaled and retooled USS Voyager model kit, indicating that the Voyager license had in the mean time been acquired for the North-American home market by Round 2 as well, meaning that all official Star Trek model kits – save one – were as of 2021 produced under a single roof for the first time since Revell-Monogram acquired the original Voyager license around 1994. The European license however, still resides with the German Revell branch, which was spun off from Monogram in 2006. Revell-Germany incidentally, has gained the distinction of becoming the first to release an officially licensed Star Trek model kit based on the alternate reality films, that of the alternate reality Enterprise in 2013 – and only joined by Moebius Models five years later as aforementioned. Unlike those from Moebius Models however, the Revell-Germany model kit is under the license stipulations formally forbidden to be sold on North-American soil, as are all the other Revell-Germany Star Trek kit (re-)releases for that matter, including the very same Voyager reissue ones as previously released in North-America by former parent Monogram. (see: main article)

By 2021, Revell-Germany and Eaglemoss Collections were the only two other companies left anywhere else in the world still retaining an official license to produce Star Trek model kits beyond Round 2 LLC itself. Contrary to the Revell-Germany releases though, the British single one-off specialty kit from Eaglemoss is allowed to be sold in North America. The licensing of Star Trek model kits is traditionally the purview of Paramount Consumer Products and its predecessors, and the different treatment of the German-produced kits and the single British one is but one of many examples of the department's confusing policies, sometimes frustrating fans and customers, including model kit collectors. Former VAM producer and fan Robert Meyer Burnett became one of the Star Trek alumni who publicly voiced his frustration at these department policies in a February 2017 Word Balloon podcast interview (currently posted on YouTube), where he related the lengths he had to go through to get his hands on a copy of the Revell-Germany alternate reality Enterprise model kit.

Star Trek model kits, both the official ones as well as the below-mentioned "garage" kits, have been covered extensively in a wide range of hobby magazines and book titles concerning themselves with the subject, and of which the British Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models publication has, until recently, especially warranted attention.

Quick to point out kit (canon) inaccuracies as had already been the case with the very first 1966 Enterprise kit and the subsequent AMT releases – which has to this date forced them to frequently retool the masters for kit re-issues – more adult kit modelers are in general sticklers for accuracy, regardless of the subject matter and unsurprising considering the amount of time they are required to spend on their builds. Recognizing and acknowledging the phenomenon among Star Trek modelers, it was especially Bandai and Polar Lights who took their customers' need for accuracy to heart with the praised 2003-2004 kit-line in Bandai's case, whereas Polar Lights took it up a notch even further with their critically acclaimed 1:350 scale model kit line, launched in 2003. It has also served as a rationale why Polar Lights has apparently been appointed as the lead company for truly new Star Trek model kit releases by owner Round 2.

Star Trek model collection

A Taiwanese collector's model and miniature collection

A major source of frustration and chagrin for an entire generation of Star Trek modelers had until the late 1990s been the complete lack of good actual studio model reference material for their builds, particularly in regard to painting, deeming the usual artistic interpretations featured as box-art of little to no use. Even though AMT had some pictures (precious few though, as far as modelers were concerned) of the actual studio models featured on the box covers and sides of their 1980 The Motion Picture kit releases, they did not continue do so afterwards, with the exception of the 1992 K't'inga-class and three of the four 1993-1996 Deep Space Nine kits – even though they had sometimes and very sparingly featured studio model photography on the box sides of other kits as had been the case with the 1989 3-Piece "Adversary Set", featuring the real color of the original D'deridex class model. Incidentally, AMT had used the production-used D7 class model (actually one of AMT's two tooling masters for kit production, but usurped by the strapped-for-cash Original Series production for filming purposes) as box-cover art for their aforementioned 1968 kit release, becoming the very first and for twelve years the only time an actual studio model was used as such, but strong studio light flooding blurred out the model's original paint scheme in the picture, precipitating a decades-long misconception in Star Trek-lore, not in the least among modelers, of what the real color of the D7-class was.

Revell-Monogram became the first company to realize the added value of actual studio model imagery for modelers as visual aid, as emphatically stated on their boxes, and was consistent in its use as box-cover art – but, excepting Maquis raider and Kazon shuttle kits, not on the box sides where pictures of the completed model kits were used instead – of their 1995 Voyager kits, though dispensing with it afterwards for the reissues and new releases, featuring photographs of completed model kits instead (conceivably for copyright reasons, i.e. having to additionally pay the franchise for picture use - see also below), considered equally useless by modelers.

Until then modelers had to make do with low-resolution blurry motion picture stills, taken under studio conditions on top of that which not rarely could lead to confusion and misconceptions (as had been the case with among others the D7-class, Galaxy-class and D'deridex-class, in the latter case somewhat ironically as AMT's photo on the box side of its 1989 three-piece kit had been the first-time publication of the model's true color which only added to the confusion of modelers who up until then only knew the two different on-screen and publicity versions), as good studio model reference material was still extremely hard, if at all, to come by on the early 1990s internet, nor was any available yet in print beyond a stray single equally low-resolution picture published here and there over multitude of more generic publications, be it licensed or unlicensed. Only put online by William S. McCullars in 1997, the very first more detailed Star Trek studio model reference website became the in modeling circles renowned, but now defunct, "The IDIC Page", where the featured behind-the-scenes photographs, provided and taken on personal title by production staffers and exhibition visitors alike, of the studio models were especially valued by the Star Trek modeling community. [4] [5] To an extent, the one year earlier established specialized Starship Modeler website has taken over from The IDIC Page by later incorporating a reference section featuring pictures of the actual studio models, including several from other science fiction franchises as well. The very first specialized print publication on the subject concerned the 1999 Japanese Star Trek: Official Guide 4 - Mechanics reference book release, though that book has remained a rarity outside Japan.

Still, model kit companies have by and large continued to underestimate the modeler's need for accuracy, those from imaginary franchises in particular, and persevered for marketing purposes with the use of for modelers next-to-useless, albeit flashy, imagery as box-art, with the noticeable exceptions of Bandai and some of Polar Lights' later kit releases. Lack of reference material on the other hand, is hardly an issue of note for modelers anymore, as far more of it has by the late-2000s become available, both on the internet and in print, and greatly aided by the advent of both production-used CGI and High-Definition/Resolution motion picture productions, the former incidentally, increasingly used as not only box-cover art by Polar Lights for their kit releases, but also used for illustrative purposes in print publications, especially those from GE Fabbri and its successor Eaglemoss Collections.

Licensed model kit release chronology[]

1966 | 1968 | 1969 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1979 | 1980 | 1984 | 1985 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1999 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024

Kit Manufacturer Model number Scale Notes Pic.
USS Enterprise AMT S921 1:650 Issued with rudimentary lighting option AMT Model kit S921 USS Enterprise 1966
Aurora 921 International release; limited rudimentary lighting option AMT-Aurora Model kit 921 USS Enterprise 1966
USS Enterprise AMT S951 1:650 Retooled and renumbered; new box; enhanced lighting option; varying plastic colors were used AMT Model kit S951 USS Enterprise 1966
Klingon Battle Cruiser S952 Issued with lighting option AMT Model kit S952 Klingon Battle Cruiser 1968
USS Enterprise KSN Midori[2] 150 1:1250 USS Enterprise Midori 1969
350-5 1:915 The "propeller and wheel" version USS Enterprise large Midori 1969
USS Enterprise Aurora 921 1:650 AMT's retooled molds used; new box AMT-Aurora Model kit 921 USS Enterprise 1966 variant
Mr. Spock 922 1:12 International Aurora original release AMT-Aurora Model kit 922 Spock 1972
Klingon Alien Battle Cruiser 923 1:650 International release under deviant title; no lighting option AMT-Aurora Model kit 923 Klingon Battle Cruiser 1968
USS Enterprise AMT S951 1:650 New enhanced decal sheet (sister ships) AMT Model kit S951 USS Enterprise 1973
Mr. Spock S956 1:12 US release; use of Aurora's set of molds AMT Model kit S956 Spock 1973 original
'Galileo 7' Shuttlecraft AMT S595 1:35   AMT Model kit S595 Galileo 7 1974
Exploration Set (3-piece set) S958 1:2 Contains tricorder, phaser, communicator AMT Model kit S598 Exploration Set 1974 original
'Galileo 7' shuttlecraft AMT
New box format
S595 1:35 Reissue AMT Model kit S595 Galileo 7 1975 reissue
Exploration Set (3-piece set) S958 1:2 Reissue AMT Model kit S598 Exploration Set 1974
USS Enterprise Bridge S950 1:35 Included scale figures of Kirk, Spock and Sulu AMT Model kit S950 USS Enterprise Bridge 1975,jpg
USS Enterprise S951 1:650 Retooled; no lighting option from this issue onward AMT Model kit S951 USS Enterprise 1975
Klingon Battle Cruiser S952 Reissue; no lighting option from this issue onward AMT Model kit S952 Klingon Battle Cruiser 1975
Space Ship Set (3-piece set) S953 1:1600 First 'mini kit'; contains in-scale Enterprise, Klingon battle cruiser, and Romulan Bird-of-Prey AMT Model kit S953 Space Ship Set 1975
Mr. Spock S956 1:12 Reissue AMT Model kit S956 Spock 1973
Romulan Bird-of-Prey S957 1:650   AMT Model kit S953 Romulan Bird of Prey 1975
Klingon Battle Cruiser Estes Industries 1274 1:700 Flying model rocket Estes 1274 Klingon Battle Cruiser 1975
USS Enterprise 1275 Flying model rocket Estes 1275 USS Enterprise 1975
Space Station K-7 AMT S955 1:7600 Includes in-scale model of the USS Enterprise AMT Model kit S955 Space Station K-7 1976
USS Enterprise Matchbox-AMT[3] PK5102 1:650 European reissue of S951
Space Station K-7 PK5105 1:7600 European reissue of S955
Romulan Bird-of-Prey PK5106 1:650 European reissue of S957 as "Romulan Space Ship"
USS Enterprise (refit) AMT/Lesney S970 1:537 Star Trek: The Motion Picture release AMT Model kit S970 USS Enterprise 1979
Matchbox-AMT PK-5110 European release, different box art AMT-Matchbox Model kit PK5110 USS Enterprise 1979
Klingon Cruiser AMT/Lesney S971 1:537 K't'inga-class battle cruiser AMT Model kit S971 Klingon Battle Cruiser 1979
Matchbox-AMT PK-5111 European release, different box art AMT-Matchbox Model kit PK5111 Klingon Cruiser 1979
Vulcan Shuttle AMT/Lesney S972 1:187   AMT Model kit S972 Vukcan Shuttle 1979
Matchbox-AMT PK-5112 European release, different box art AMT-Matchbox Model kit PK5112 Vukcan Shuttle 1979
Mr. Spock AMT/Lesney S973 1:12 Retooled version of 1968 release; no international release AMT Model kit S973 Spock 1979
USS Enterprise (refit) AMT/Ertl[4] 6675 1:537 Repackaged for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, tooling updated to reflect appearance of filming model AMT Model kit 6675 USS Enterprise 1984
USS Enterprise 6676 1:650   AMT Model kit 6676 USS Enterprise 1984
Space Ship Set (3-piece set) 6677 1:1600   AMT Model kit 6677 Space Ship Set 1984
Vulcan Shuttle 6679 1:187   AMT Model kit 6679 Vukcan Shuttle 1984
USS Enterprise (refit) AMT/Ertl 6675 1:537 Repackaged for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; same model no. AMT Model kit 6675 USS Enterprise 1985
Vulcan Shuttle 6679 1:187 Repackaged for Star Trek III (though the model never appeared in that film); same model no. AMT Model kit 6679 Vukcan Shuttle 1985
Klingon Cruiser 6682 1:537 K't'inga class reissue under new numbering scheme AMT Model kit 6682 Klingon Cruiser 1985
USS Enterprise-A AMT/Ertl 6693 1:537 Repackaged for Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home AMT Model kit 6693 USS Enterprise 1987
3 Piece USS Enterprise Set AMT/Ertl 6618 1:2500 "Mini kit" featuring three Enterprises: NCC-1701, -A, and -D AMT Model kit 6618 3-piece USS Enterprise Set 1988
USS Enterprise-D 6619 1:1400   AMT Model kit 6619 USS Enterprise-D 1988
USS Enterprise AMT/Ertl 6676 1:650 Reissue, new horizontal format box AMT Model kit 6676 USS Enterprise 1989
Space Ship Set (3-piece set) 6677 1:2200 Reissue with new packaging AMT Model kit 6677 Space Ship Set 1989
3 Piece Adversary Set 6858

1:4064 1:4976 1:1371

"Mini kit" featuring the Romulan Warbird, the Klingon Bird-of-Prey, and the Ferengi Marauder AMT Model kit 6858 3-piece adversary set 1989
USS Enterprise-A 6876 1:537 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier release; included a Galileo 7 shuttlecraft at 1:230 scale AMT Model kit 6876 USS Enterprise and Shuttlecraft 1989
199125th anniversary
3 Piece USS Enterprise Chrome Set AMT/Ertl 6005 1:2500 25th Anniversary Special Edition AMT Model kit 6005 3-piece USS Enterprise Chrome Set 1991
Galileo II Shuttlecraft 6006 1:35 25th Anniversary Special Edition reissue with new decals, horizontal format box, and retooling of windows. AMT Model kit 6006 Galileo II Shuttlecraft 1991
USS Enterprise Command Bridge 6007 1:35 25th Anniversary reissue with new decals and retooling of figures. AMT Model kit 6007 USS Enterprise Bridge 1991
Original Edition Klingon Cruiser 6743 1:650 25th Anniversary reissue with new stand AMT Model kit 6743 Klingon Cruiser 1991
USS Enterprise-A 6957 1:537 Special Edition with lights and sound effects AMT Model kit 6959 USS Enterprise 1991
Klingon Battle Cruiser Flying Model Rocket Estes Industries 1274 1:700 25th Anniversary Special Edition reissue of 1975 in new box Estes 1274 Klingon Battle Cruiser 1991
USS Enterprise Flying Model Rocket 1275 25th Anniversary reissue of 1975 model in new box Estes 1275 USS Enterprise 1991
Klingon Battle Cruiser AMT/Ertl 6812 1:1400 Vor'cha class AMT Model kit 6812 Klingon Battle Cruiser 1992
Klingon Cruiser 8229 1:537 K't'inga class repackaged for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country AMT Model kit 8229 Klingon Cruiser 1992
USS Enterprise-A 8617 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country reissue of 6876 with inscale Galileo type shuttlecraft; first release batch also included Galoob's Enterprise-D toy AMT Model kit 8617 USS Enterprise 1992
Captain Jean-Luc Picard GEOmetric VST01 1:6 First of GEOmetric's vinyl figures Geometric Model Kit VST01 Picard 1992
Lieutenant Worf VST02   Geometric Model Kit VST02 Worf 1992
Lieutenant Commander Data VST03   Geometric Model Kit VST03 Data 1992
USS Rio Grande AMT/Ertl 8741 1:72 Federation Runabout first seen on Deep Space Nine AMT Model kit 6741 USS Rio Grande 1993
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge GEOmetric VST04 1:6   Geometric Model Kit VST04 La Forge 1993
Counselor Deanna Troi VST05   Geometric Model Kit VST05 Troi 1993
Commander William T. Riker VST06   Geometric Model Kit VST06 Riker 1993
Guinan VST07  
Doctor Beverly Crusher VST08  
USS Excelsior Tsukuda Hobby SVM-14-9800 1:1000 Vinyl kit Tsukuda Model kit SVM14 USS Excelsior
Klingon Bird-of-Prey SVM-15-9800 1:350 Vinyl kit Tsukuda Model kit Klingon L-42 Bird of Prey
USS Excelsior AMT/Ertl 6630 1:1000   AMT Model kit 6630 USS Excelsior 1994
Captain Kirk 8773 1:6 Vinyl kit AMT Model kit 8773 Captain James T. Kirk 1994
Dr. McCoy 8774 Vinyl kit AMT Model kit 8774 Doctor Leonard McCoy 1994
Deep Space 9 8778 1:2500   AMT Model kit 8778 Deep Space Nine Space Station 1994
Locutus of Borg GEOmetric VST09 1:6 Vinyl kit Geometric Model Kit VST09 Locutus 1994
Ferengi VST10 Vinyl kit Geometric Model Kit VST10 Ferengi 1994
Romulan VST11 Vinyl kit (female officer) Geometric Model Kit VST11 Romulan 1994
Gowron VST12 Vinyl kit Geometric Model Kit VST12 Gowron 1994
Klingon Bird-of-Prey AMT/Ertl[5] 8230 1:350   AMT Model kit 8230 Klingon Bird of Prey 1995
Mr. Spock 8704 1:6 Vinyl kit AMT Model kit 8704 Spock 1995
Quark 8719 Vinyl kit AMT Model kit 8719 Quark 1995
Odo 8761 Vinyl kit AMT Model kit 8761 Odo 1995
USS Enterprise-B 8762 1:1000 Retooling of 6630 AMT Model kit 8762 USS Enterprise-B 1995
Deep Space 9 8764 1:2500 With fiber optic lighting option AMT Model kit 8764 Deep Space Nine Space Station 1995
USS Reliant 8766 1:650   AMT Model kit 8766 USS Reliant 1995
Collector's Gift Set (3-piece set) 8771 1:6 Contains the Kirk, McCoy and Scott vinyl figures AMT Model kit 8771 Collectors Gift Set 1995
USS Enterprise-D 8772 1:1400 With fiber optic lighting option AMT Model kit 8772 USS Enterprise-D 1995
Mr. Scott 8777 1:6   AMT Model kit 8777 Chief Engineer Mr.Scott 1995
USS Enterprise Flight Display (3-piece set) 8787 1:2500 With transparent plexiglass "Flight Display" stand to make models appear to float in mid-air AMT Model kit 8787 3-piece USS Enterprise Flight Display Set 1995
USS Enterprise-D 8793 1:1400 Repackaged for Star Trek Generations AMT Model kit 8793 USS Enterprise-D 1995
Borg GEOmetric VST13 1:6 Vinyl kit
USS Voyager Revell-Monogram 3604 1:677   Revell Model Kit 3604 USS Voyager 1995
04801 European release Revell Model Kit 04801 USS Voyager 1995
Maquis Raider 3605 1:323   Revell Model Kit 3605 Maquis Ship 1995
04809 European release Revell Model Kit 04809 Maquis Ship 1995
Kazon Raider 3606 1:458 Two variant issues are known with box cover photos of the model at slightly different angles Revell Model Kit 3606 Kazon Ship 1995
Revell Model Kit 3606 Kazon Ship 1995 variant
04810 European release Revell Model Kit 04810 Kazon Fighter 1995
199630th anniversary
"The Enterprise Incident" Legendary Space Encounter (3-piece set) AMT/Ertl 8254 1:2200 USS Enterprise and two D7 battle cruisers; fiber optic display and episode audio clips AMT Model kit 8254 Legendary Space Encounter 1996
USS Defiant 8255 1:420   AMT Model kit 8255 USS Defiant 1996
Cardassian Galor Class Cruiser 8324 1:750   AMT Model kit 8324 Cardassian Galor Class Ship 1996
USS Enterprise-D 8400 1:1400 "Plus Pack" with glue, paint and brush AMT Model kit 8400 USS Enterprise-D 1996
Cutaway USS Enterprise 8790 1:500 Box erroneously states scale as 1:650 AMT Model kit 8790 Cut-Away USS Enterprise 1996
Star Trek: Voyager 3-Piece Set Revell-Monogram 3607 1:1400 Two releases; a "Bonus Value Pack" with glue, paint and brush, and a regular release without the extra contents Revell Model Kit 3607 Voyager 3-piece Set 1996
Revell Model Kit 3607 Voyager 3-piece Set 1996, regular
05780 European "Bonus Value Pack" release, no regular version known Revell Model Kit 05780 Voyager 3piece Set 1996
Kazon Torpedo 3608 1:35   Revell Model Kit 3608 Kazon torpedo 1996
04813 European release Revell Model Kit 04813 Kazon Torpedo 1996
"Mini" USS Voyager 85-3609 1:3788 "Pre-painted" US release Monogram Model Kit 85-3609 USS Voyager 1996
06900 "Pre-painted" European release Revell Model Kit 06900 USS Voyager Mini 1996
"Mini" Kazon Raider/Fighter 85-3610 unknown "Pre-painted" US release Monogram Model Kit 85-3610 Kazon Raider Mini 1996
06901 "Pre-painted" European release Revell Model Kit 06901 Kazon Fighter Mini 1996
"Mini" Maquis Raider 85-3611 1:1276 "Pre-painted" US release Monogram Model Kit 85-3611 Maquis Fighter Mini 1996
06902 "Pre-painted" European release Revell Model Kit 06902 Maquis Fighter Mini 1996
USS Enterprise-E AMT/Ertl 6326 1/1400   AMT Model kit 6326 USS Enterprise-E 1997
Klingon Bird-of-Prey 6339 1:350 Featuring "Flight Display" base AMT Model kit 6339 Klingon Bird of Prey Flight Display 1997
8015 "Plus Pack" with glue, paint and brush AMT Model kit Klingon Bird of Prey 1997
USS Defiant 8398 1:420 "Plus Pack" with glue, paint and brush AMT Model kit 8398 USS Defiant 1997
Ambassador Spock GEOmetric unknown 1:6 Vinyl kit Geometric Model Kit Ambassador Spock 1997
USS Voyager Revell-Monogram 3612 1:677 Limited Edition; included open shuttlebay; In-scale Type 8 shuttlecraft; Improved decals; 20000 pieces Revell Model Kit 3612 USS Voyager 1997
USS Enterprise-C AMT/Ertl 8001 1:1400   AMT Model kit 8001 USS Enterprise-C 1999
Snapfast USS Enterprise 1701-B, C, And E Set (3-piece set) 8002 1:2500 Contains models of USS Enterprise -B, -C, and -E AMT Model kit 3-piece USS Enterprise Set 1999
USS Enterprise-E 30065 1:1400 Repackaged for Star Trek: Insurrection, very slight tooling change to show captain's yacht AMT Model kit 30065 USS Enterprise-E 1999
USS Yamaguchi AMT "Pro Shop" 30038 Cast in clear plastic; featuring lighting rig AMT Model kit 30038 USS Yamaguchi 1999
USS Enterprise Polar Lights PL4200 1:1000 "The Cage", and "Where No Man Has Gone Before" variant construction options. Polar Lights Model kit PL4200 USS Enterprise 2003
Enterprise NX-01 PL4201 1:350   Polar Lights Model kit PL4201 Enterprise NX-01 2003
Klingon D7 Battlecruiser PL4202 1:1000   Polar Lights Model kit PL4202 Klingon Battle Cruiser 2003
Scorpion PL4203 1:24 Featured figures of Picard and Data PolarLightsScorpion
USS Enterprise Bandai 116192 1:850 Issued with lighting Bandai Model kit 116192 USS Enterprise 2003
USS Enterprise-E 116424 1:1700 Issued with lighting Bandai Model kit 116424 USS Enterprise E 2003
Enterprise NX-01 122721 1:850 Issued with lighting Bandai Model kit 122721 Enterprise NX-01 2003
USS Enterprise-A Polar Lights/RC2 PL4204 1:350 Decals for NCC-1701 (refit) or NCC-1701-A; with full interior shuttlebay and several in-scale shuttlecraft PolarLightsEntABox2
Bandai 124915 1:850 Reissue of 116192 with decals for sister vessels Bandai Model kit 124915 USS Enterprise A 2004
USS Voyager 131434 Issued with lighting Bandai Model kit 131434 USS Voyager 2004
3 Piece USS Enterprise Set (TV) AMT/RC2 38387 1:2500 Reissue of 6618 AMT Model kit 38387 3-piece TV Enterprise set 2005
3 Piece USS Enterprise Set (Movie) 38388 Reissue of 1999 release AMT Model kit 38388 3-piece movie Enterprise set 2005
Klingon Bird-of-Prey 38389 1:350 Reissue of 8230 AMT Model kit 38389 Klingon Bird of Prey 2005
3 Piece Adversary Set 38390 Multiple Reissue of 6858 AMT Model kit 38390 3-piece adversary set 2005
Enterprise NX-01 Polar Lights/RC2 PL53028 1:1000   Polar Lights PL53028 Model kit Enterprise NX-01 2005
USS Enterprise AMT/Round 2 LLC[6] AMT609 1:650 Limited edition (1701 pieces); Reissue of S921; Tin box with art print AMT Model kit AMT609 USS Enterprise 2008
AMT610 "Legacy" reissue of S921 in 1966-style packaging AMT Model kit AMT610 USS Enterprise 2008
USS Enterprise Polar Lights/Round 2 POL803 1:1000 Re-release of PL4200; new numbering; two issues in 2008 each with different box art Polar Lights Model kit POL803 USS Enterprise first issue 2008
Polar Lights Model kit POL803 USS Enterprise 2008
Klingon D7 Battlecruiser POL806 Re-release of PL4202; two issues in 2008 each with different box art Polar Lights Model kit POL806 Klingon Battle Cruiser first issue 2008
Polar Lights Model kit POL806 Klingon Battle Cruiser 2008
Enterprise NX-01 POL807 Re-release of PL53028; new numbering; two issues in 2008 each with different box art Polar Lights Model kit POL807 Enterprise NX-01 first issue 2008
Polar Lights Model kit POL807 Enterprise NX-01 2008
USS Enterprise-E AMT/Round 2 AMT613 1:1400 Reissue of 6326 AMT Model kit AMT613 USS Enterprise-E 2009
Mr. Spock AMT624 1:8 Collector's edition; Reissue of S956; Tin box with art print AMT Model kit AMT624 Spock 2009
AMT625 Reissue of S956 in 1973-style packaging AMT Model kit S625 Spock 2009
USS Enterprise AMT640 1:650 'Blue' Collector's Edition; reissue of AMT609, molded in blue plastic AMT Model kit AMT640 USS Enterprise 2009
Vulcan Shuttle Surak AMT641 1:187 Improved release, with magnetic attachment and revised detailing AMT Model kit AMT641 Vukcan Shuttle 2009
USS Enterprise-A Polar Lights/Round 2 POL808 1:350 Reissue of PL4204 Polar Lights Model kit POL808 USS Enterprise-A 2009
USS Voyager Revell-Germany 04801 1:677 EU-only reissue of 1995; New box Revell Model Kit 04801 USS Voyager 2009
Maquis Raider 04809 1:323 EU-only reissue of 1995; New box Revell Model Kit 04809 Maquis Fighter 2009
Kazon Raider 04810 1:458 EU-only reissue of 1995; New box Revell Model Kit 04810 Kazon Fighter 2009
Space Station K-7 AMT/Round 2 AMT644 1:7600 Reissue of S955 in 1976-style packaging AMT Model kit AMT644 K-7 Space Station 2010
AMT645 Collector's edition; Reissue of S955; Tin box with Tribble AMT Model kit AMT645 K-7 Space Station 2010
USS Enterprise-D AMT643 1:1400 Announced and intended reissue of AMT 6619 (1988), but cancelled at the eleventh hour, though some review kits were already circulated AMT Model kit AMT656 USS Enterprise-D 2010
AMT656 "Special Edition"; cast in transparent styrene for lighting purposes as replacement release for AMT643 AMT Model kit AMT656 USS Enterprise-D 2010 variant
USS Enterprise Starship Set (3-piece set) AMT660 1:2500 "Cadet Series"; contains USS Enterprise-1701,-1701-A,-1701-B AMT Model kit AMT660 3-piece USS Enterprise Set 2010
USS Enterprise-C AMT661 "Cadet Series" AMT Model kit AMT661 USS Enterprise-C 2010
USS Enterprise-D AMT662 "Cadet Series" AMT Model kit AMT662 USS Enterprise-D 2010
USS Enterprise-E AMT663 "Cadet Series" AMT Model kit AMT663 USS Enterprise-E 2010
USS Enterprise-B AMT/Ertl-Platz[1] GDS8136 1:1000 Japanese issue with improved decals AMT-Platz Model kit GDS8136 USS Enterprise-B 2010
USS Enterprise-C GDS8137 1:1400 Japanese issue with improved decals AMT-Platz Model kit GDS8137 USS Enterprise-C 2010
USS Enterprise-D GDS8138 Japanese issue with improved decals AMT-Platz Model kit GDS8138 USS Enterprise-D 2010
USS Enterprise-E GDS8139 Japanese AMT issue with improved decals AMT-Platz Model kit GDS8139 USS Enterprise-E 2010
USS Enterprise Refit Polar Lights/Round 2 POL820 1:1000   Polar Lights Model kit POL820 USS Enterprise 2010
201145th anniversary
Klingon Bird-of-Prey AMT/Round2 AMT664 1:350 Reissue 8230; improved tooling; includes optional landinggear AMT Model kit AMT664 Klingon Bird of Prey 2011
Romulan Bird-of-Prey AMT665 1:650 Reissue op S957, 1975 style packaging AMT Model kit AMT665 Romulan Bird of Prey 2011
AMT666 Collector's edition; reissue of S957; tin box poster box-art AMT Model kit AMT666 Romulan Bird of Prey 2011
USS Reliant AMT667 1:537 Reissue 8766; improved tooling AMT Model kit AMT667 USS Reliant 2011
USS Enterprise-B AMT676 1:1000 Reissue 8761 AMT Model kit AMT676 USS Enterprise-B 2011
USS Enterprise AMT695 1:650 Includes 2 in-scale Tholian web-spinners; Includes USS Defiant (NCC-1764) decals; cast in "fluorescent" plastic AMT Model kit AMT695 USS Enterprise 2011
Klingon Battle Cruiser AMT699 Collector's edition; reissue of S952; tin box with poster box-art; cast in light-green with chrome parts AMT Model kit AMT699 Klingon Battle Cruiser 2011
AMT720 Reissue of S952 in 1968 style packaging AMT Model kit AMT720 Klingon Battle Cruiser 2011
USS Enterprise-C AMT721 1:1400 Reissue of 8001 with battle damage decals AMT Model kit 721 USS Enterprise-C 2012
USS Enterprise Revell-Germany 04880 1:600 EU-only Revell original Revell Model Kit 04880 USS Enterprise NCC-1701 2011
Klingon Battle Cruiser D7 04881 EU-only Revell original; tooled to approximate the DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations" appearance Revell Model Kit 04881 Klingon Battle Cruiser D7 2011
USS Enterprise-D De Agostini[7] n/a 1:900 Planned 100-piece The Official Star Trek The Next Generation: Build the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D partwork; canceled prematurely (after seven issues) due to the economic downturn following a national disaster The Official Star Trek The Next Generation Build the Enterprise-D issue 1 box
USS Reliant AMT/Round2 AMT714 1:537 "Clear Edition"; cast in transparent plastic for lighting purposes AMT Model kit AMT714 USS Reliant 2012
Deep Space 9 AMT751 1:3300
New decal sheet; cast in clear plastic for lighting purposes; includes USS Defiant model AMT Model kit AMT751 Deep Space Nine Space Station 2012
Adversary Set (2-piece set) AMT752 1:1400
Reissue of Klingon Bird of Prey and Ferengi Marauder from kit 6858; new decal sheet AMT Model kit AMT752 Adversary Set 2012
Romulan Warbird AMT753 1:3200 Reissue of one piece from kit 6858; new decal sheet AMT Model kit AMT753 Romulan Warbird 2012
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Set (3-piece set) AMT762 1:2500 "Cadet Series"; K't'inga-class, USS Reliant, refit-USS Enterprise AMT Model kit AMT762 3-piece Motion Picture Set 2012
Klingon K't'inga-Class Battle Cruiser AMT794 1:537 AMT Model kit AMT794 K't'inga class battle cruiser 2012
USS Enterprise Polar Lights/Round 2 POL889 1:1000 Lunchbox tin edition Polar Lights Model kit POL889 USS Enterprise 2012
POL880 1:350 Same size as three-foot studio model; with shuttlebay and in-scale Class F shuttlecraft; avant-premiere edition and regular edition with differing box art. Both box art designs by Alex Ross. Polar Lights Model kit POL880 USS Enterprise 2012 Limited Edition
Polar Lights Model kit POL880 USS Enterprise 2012 Regular Edition
Star Trek: The Original Series Set (3-piece set) AMT/Round 2 AMT762 1:2500 "Cadet Series"; D7-class, Romulan Bird-of-Prey, USS Enterprise (TOS) AMT Model kit AMT763 3-piece Original Series Set 2013
Mr. Spock AMT810 1:12 Lunchbox tin edition AMT Model kit AMT810 Spock 2013
USS Enterprise Bridge Set AMT808 1:35 With additional wall panel to complete bridge, and parts to compose 6 characters AMT Model kit AMT808 USS Enterprise Bridge 2013
USS Enterprise-E AMT853 1:1400 CGI cover art by John Eaves AMT Model kit AMT853 USS Enterprise-E 2013
Romulan Battle Cruiser Polar Lights/Round 2 POL897 1:1000 D7-class with Romulan decals Polar Lights Model kit POL897 Romulan Battle Cruiser 2012
Enterprise NX-01 POL902 1:350 Reissue PL4201 Polar Lights Model kit POL902 Enterprise NX-01 2013
USS Enterprise POL908 1:1000 "Space Seed" edition; with in-scale SS Botany Bay Polar Lights Model kit POL908 USS Enterprise Space Seed Edition 2013
USS Enterprise Revell-Germany 04882 1:500 EU-only Revell original Revell Model Kit 04882 USS Enterprise Alternate 2013
Exploration Set (3-piece set) AMT/Round 2 AMT848 1:2 AMT Model kit AMT848 Exploration Set 2014
USS Defiant AMT845 1:420 First reissue under new ownership AMT Model kit AMT845 USS Defiant 2014
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Set (3-piece set) AMT764 1:2500 "Cadet Series"; USS Defiant, USS Saratoga and the Galor-class. AMT 2015 Defiant, Saratoga, Galor class models
Enterprise NX-01 Refit Polar Lights/Round 2 POL898 1:1000 Contains parts to construct either a standard NX-class or a refit NX-Class; box art by Doug Drexler Polar Lights Model kit POL898 Enterprise NX-01 refit 2013
USS Reliant POL906 New tooling, not associated with the AMT release Polar Lights Model kit POL906 USS Reliant 2014
USS Enterprise Fascinations MMS280 "Metal Earth" model constructed from two 4-inch sq. sheets of stainless steel Fascinations USS Enterprise packaged
USS Enterprise-D MMS281 "Metal Earth" model constructed from two 4-inch sq. sheets of stainless steel Fascinations USS Enterprise-D packaged
Klingon Bird-of-Prey MMS282 "Metal Earth" model constructed from two 4-inch sq. sheets of stainless steel Fascinations Klingon Bird-of-Prey packaged
Klingon Vor'cha Class MMS283 1:4373 "Metal Earth" model constructed from two 4-inch sq. sheets of stainless steel Fascinations Klingon Vor'cha Class packaged
USS Enterprise Cutaway AMT/Round 2 AMT891 1:537 Improved "cut-away" reissue of 8790 AMT Model kit AMT891 USS Enterprise Cutaway 2015
USS Enterprise Set (2-piece set) AMT913 1:1000
"Build 2Gether"; use of Polar Lights' set of molds for the smaller model. AMT Model kit AMT913 2-piece USS Enterprise Set 2015
Ships of the Line (4-kit set) AMT914 1:2500 Pre-decorated "snap-fit" versions of previously-released kits with individually packaged ships: USS Enterprise, D7 Klingon Battle Cruiser, USS Reliant and USS Defiant AMT914 Ships of the Line assortment
Romulan Bird-of-Prey Polar Lights/Round 2 POL934 1:1000 New tooling, not associated with the AMT release Polar Lights Model kit POL934 Romulan Bird-of-Prey (23rd century) 2015
USS Enterprise POL936 Pre-decorated "snap-fit" version of previously-released kits Polar Lights Model kit POL936 USS Enterprise 2015
Klingon D7 Battle Cruiser POL937 In the original colors of the studio model pre-decorated "snap-fit" version of previously-released kits Polar Lights Model kit POL937 Klingon Battle Cruiser 2015
201650th anniversary
USS Excelsior AMT/Round2 AMT843 1:1000 NX-2000 or NCC-2000 versions; Improved molding tools Round2 AMT Model kit AMT843 USS Excelsior 2016
USS Enterprise AMT947 1:650 Reissue of AMT610 (2008) with 50th anniversary slip-over cover AMT Model kit AMT947 USS Enterprise 2016
Klingon Bird-of-Prey AMT949 1:350 Reissue/Revised wing baffles and landing gear parts; Star Trek: III version Round2 AMT Model kit AMT949 Klingon Bird of Prey (ST3) 2016
USS Enterprise-D AMT955 1:1400 Clear edition, removable saucer section Round2 Model kit AMT955 Enterprise-D Clear Edition 2016
USS Enterprise Polar Lights/Round 2 POL938 1:350 50th Anniversary Edition; Reissue w/ detailed bridge and smooth saucer parts Polar Lights Model kit POL938 Enterprise TOS 50th 2017
50th Anniversary USS Enterprise Set Revell-Germany 05721 1:600
EU-only; contains both reality versions of the USS Enterprise; glue and paint included Revell Model Kit 05721 USS Enterprise 50th Anniverary Set 2016
F-104 Starfighter (with USS Enterprise) AMT/Round2 AMT953 1:48
"Tomorrow is Yesterday" edition; USS Enterprise from kit 6618 (1988) in a smaller scale than F-104 for a forced-perspective display Round2Models AMT953-F-104-Starfigther 2017
USS Enterprise Model Set (7-piece set) AMT954 1:2500 All seven prime universe Enterprise versions; Snap-fit reissues of Cadet Series with new Enterprise NX-01, derived from the Polar Lights molds Round2 Model kit AMT954 Enterprise-SET-SNAP 2017
Klingon Vor'Cha-Class AMT1027 1:1400 Reissue AMT/ERTL 6812 (1992); retooled clear Parts, metal support rod AMT1027-12-Klingon-Vorcha-Pkg-small-1
Cardassian Galor-Class AMT1028 1:750 Updated version with clear parts Round2Models Kit AMT1028 Cardassian Galor 2017
USS Reliant AMT1036 1:537 Reissue AMT667 (2010) Round2Models Kit AMT1036 Reliant 2017
USS Enterprise Refit Polar Lights/Round2 POL949 1:350 Reissue POL880; new box art Round2 Polar Lights Model Kit USS Enterprise Refit Reissue 1-350 POL949 2017
2018 – Introduction synchronized/unified box-art for all licensed kit companies[8]
USS Enterprise Refit AMT/Round2 AMT1080 1:537 Reissue of No. 8617 (1992 w/shuttlecraft); new: metal support rod and updated decals (no aztec) Round2 AMT Model Kit USS Enterprise 1-537 2018
Klingon Battle Cruiser K't'inga-Class IKS Amar Polar Lights/Round2 POL950 1:350 Star Trek: The Motion Picture 2 feet half studio scale model; new "near black" and clear mold; lighting kit separately available. Round2 Polar Lights Model Kit Klingon K't'inga 1-350 2018
USS Defiant POL952 1:1000 Polar Lights original; snap kit molded in grey Round2 Polar Lights Model Kit USS Defiant 1-1000 2017
USS Grissom & Klingon Bird of Prey POL957 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Snap kits; Polar Lights originals and first-time official model kit release of the Oberth-class Round2 Polar Lights Model Kit USS Grissom and Klingon Bird of Prey 1-1000 2018
USS Franklin NX-326 Moebius Models MOE975 1:350 Original release Star Trek Beyond USS Franklin NX-326 - Moebius Models
USS Kelvin NCC-0514 MOE976 1:1000 Original release; with interior shuttlebay Star Trek USS Kelvin NCC-0514 - Moebius Models
DS9 Runabout USS Rio Grande AMT/Round2 AMT1084(M) 1:72 Reissue of AMT8741 (1993) plus optional Sensor Cluster Round2 AMT Model Kit DS9 RioGrande Runabout 2019
Romulan Warbird AMT1125 1:3200 Reissue AMT753 (2012); dome base with metal rod support AMT Model kit AMT1125 Romulan Warbird 2019
USS Enterprise-D AMT1126(M) 1:2500 Snap-Kit; molded in color with Aztec Decals Round2 AMT Model Kit USS Enterprise D Snap 1-2500 2019
USS Discovery NCC-1031 Polar Lights/Round2 POL961(M) Snap-Kit with metalic Decals Round2 PolarLights Kit USS Discovery Snap 1-2500 2019
USS Enterprise NX-01 POL966(M) 1:1000 Snap-Kit; with parts for refit-configuration Round2 Polar Lights Model Kit USS Enterprise NX-01 Snap 1-1000 2019
USS Shenzhou POL967(M) 1:2500 SnapKit Round2 PolarLights Model Kit USS Shenzhou NCC-1227 Snap 1-2500 2019
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Discovery) POL971 SnapKit Polar Lights Model kit POL971 USS Enterprise (Discovery) 2019
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Revell-Germany 00454 1:600 Essentially an EU-only reissue of Revell 04880 (2011), this "Technik" one with light and sound effects rigs; box-art synchronized with those of AMT and Polar Lights Revell Model Kit 00454 USS Enterprise 2019
04991 EU-only standard reissue Revell Model Kit 04991 USS Enterprise 2019
USS Voyager 04992 1:670 EU-only reissue Revell 3612 (1997) Revell Model Kit 04992 USS Voyager 2019
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Discovery) Polar Lights/Round2 POL973(M) 1:1000 Issued with optional lighting kit Polar Lights Model kit POL973M USS Enterprise (Discovery) 2020
Refit-USS Enterprise NCC-1701, "Wrath of Khan Edition" POL974(M) Reissue of POL820 from 2010 with "Wrath of Khan" damage decals; SnapKit PL Enterprise Refit Wrath of Khan Ed 2020
USS Reliant, "Wrath of Khan Edition" POL975(M) Companion release for POL 974(M); reissue of POL906 from 2014 with Wrath of Khan damage decals; SnapKit Polar Lights Model kit POL975M USS Reliant 2020
Galileo Shuttlecraft POL909 1:32 11 in / 23 cm, no interior, clear parts for lighting, based off AMT S595 from 1974 but newly tooled without the interior Polar Lights Model kit POL909 Shuttlecraft Galileo PKG 2020
202155th anniversary
USS Enterprise-D Eaglemoss/Hero Collector
DeAgostini (Japan)/Fanhome
n/a 1:916 Star Trek: The Next Generation Build The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D 120-stage partwork Star Trek TNG Build The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D issue 1
Deep Space 9 with USS Defiant and Cardassian Keldon-class Cruiser AMT/Round2 AMT1245


16" wide DS9 and 2¾" long Defiant (reissue AMT751 from 2012) molded in clear ABS, 5¾" long Keldon (modified reissue of AMT764 from 2014) in white AMT Model kit AMT1245 Deep Space 9, USS Defiant, Keldon class cruiser
USS Excelsior AMT1257(M) 1:1000 Reissue AMT843 (2016) AMT Model kit AMT1257M USS Excelsior 2021
USS Enterprise Bridge AMT1270/12 1:32 Reisue of AMT808 (2013) AMT Model kit AMT1270 USS Enterprise Bridge 2022
USS Enterprise AMT1296/12 1:650 Reissue S951 (1968), albeit with modern stand and Enterprise only decals AMT Model kit AMT1296 USS Enterprise 2021
USS Voyager Polar Lights/Round2 POL980(M) 1:1000 New, improved tooling; Polar Lights original, not associated with the Revell-Monogram releases PolarLights Model kit POL980M USS-Voyager 2021 Standard Ed
POL992(M) "Clear Edition"; cast in transparent plastic for lighting purposes Polar Lights Model kit POL992M USS-Voyager 2021 Clear-Ed
USS Enterprise TOS/Pilot Edition POL993(M) 1:350 Re-release with parts for first and second pilot episodes or series version; with hangar bay and tiny bridge. POL993M 04 Star Trek TOS USS Enterprise w Pilot Edition Parts packaging
2022 – Introduction of the mandatory "Star Trek Universe" logo[9]
USS Enterprise-C AMT/Round2 AMT1332(M) 1:1400 Reissue in clear/translucent plastic; multiple decal options AMT Model kit AMT1332M USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C 2022
USS Grissom/Klingon Bird of Prey Polar Lights/Round2 POL975 1:1000 Identical reissue of 2018 release, but with revised box art Polar Lights Model kit POL957 (2022)
USS Grissom POL991(M) 1:350 13 ¾ inches / 35 cm. Molded in white with clear parts. Decals for 6 different ship versions. Optional rear details TNG/The Search for Spock Polar Lights POL991 USS-Grissom 1-350 2022
Galileo Shuttlecraft with Interior POL995(M) 1:32 Reissue POL909 from 2020 with Interior Polar Lights Model kit POL909 Galileo Shuttle 2022
Space Station K-7 AMT/Round2 AMT1215/12 1:7600 Reissue AMT644 (2010), albeit with classic box cover AMT Model kit AMT1415 K-7 Space Station 2023
Klingon Bird-of-Prey AMT1400(M) 1:350 Reissue AMT949 (2016) AMT Model kit AMT1400 Klingon Bird of Prey 2023
Klingon Kronos One Polar Lights/Round2 POL997(M) Adaptation of POL950 K'tinga (2018) as seen in The Undiscovered Country POL997M-06KronosOne 1500x
Klingon Alien Battle Cruiser AMT/Round2 AMT1428 1:650 Reissue with revised decals; molded in color; classic Aurora 923 (1972) box art and title AMT Model kit AMT1428 Klingon Battle Cruiser 2024
USS Enterprise-D AMT1429 1:1400 Reissue molded in translucent white plastic; additional decals for USS Syracuse; removable saucer section with detachable captain's yacht AMT Model kit AMT1429 USS Enterprise-D 2024
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan U.S.S Reliant AMT1457(M) 1:537 Reissue AMT1036 (2017) molded in off-white and clear with dome base and metal rod AMT Model kit AMT1457M USS Reliant 2024
USS Enterprise/SS Botany Bay Polar Lights/Round2 POL1000(M) 1:1000 Reissue POL908 (2013) Polar Lights Model kit POL1000(M) USS Enterprise Space Seed Edition 2024
  1. 1.0 1.1 Special license from new owner Round2 under the now defunct AMT/Ertl brand to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first time Star Trek: The Next Generation airing in Japan.
  2. Midori originals and possibly unlicensed.
  3. The 1979 European Matchbox-AMT releases are apparently issued on a very limited basis, conceivably only to modelkit reviewers, as these are exceptionally rare.
  4. Merger with ERTL resulted in reissues under new numbering scheme, with the box imprints adjusted to reflect new ownership, though the logos were not adjusted yet.
  5. AMT randomly inserted especially commissioned cutaway prints of either the Enterprise-A or the D in their model kits marketed for the occasion of Star Trek's 30th anniversary, starting in late 1995 and throughout 1996, and only issued on this occasion. Which print was included was indicated by a sticker on the box.
  6. Memory Alpha contributors are URGENTLY admonished to consult after-market websites such as eBay – where privately shot photographs of the modelkits are often featured – to verify actually released box-art, as both AMT and Polar Lights under Round2 ownership in particular, invariably solicit deviant pre-release box-art. Solicition box art may be utilized as temporary placeholders but needs to be checked post-release, and replaced with the definitive one when found divergent.
  7. Japan-only DeAgostini original
  8. The unified box-art format was also imposed on other toy and gaming companies like Modiphius Entertainment and Diamond Select Toys – by 2020 two of the few remaining merchandise franchise partners [1] – for its products and which includes starship (toy) replicas as well.
  9. The mandatory use of the logo was abandonded in the latter half of 2023 due to the failure of the Universe concept (see, main article).

"Garage" model kits[]

Over the years, from the 1990s onward after Star Trek: The Next Generation had premiered, several "amateur" (meaning not officially recognized), both unauthorized as well as unlicensed and often short-lived companies, dubbed "Garage kit makers" by the model kit community, sprung up, producing Star Trek model kits. These "companies" often produced lesser-known canon or fan-designed non-canon classes of starships which were typically made out of glass reinforced plastic (GRP), commonly referred to as "fiberglass" or "resin" (somewhat incorrectly, as this term also refers to more modern composite plastic materials). Fiberglass "conversion kits" to improve or customize officially-released models have also been released, along with "aztec-ing" painting templates, and custom decals.

Typically, the production run of items produced by these companies tended to be quite low, numbering in the few hundreds instead of the thousands produced by the officially licensed model kit companies, thereby becoming relatively rare and quite expensive. This was due to two reasons. First, as amateur companies, these garage companies could not afford the professional, high-grade steel molds utilized by the professional model kit companies from which the kit parts were cast. Instead, lower grade molds were used, typically made out of cheaper material such as baked clay, plastic resin, gypsum, or plaster, all of which susceptible to wear and tear far beyond of that of the ones used by the professional model kit manufacturers, meaning these molds worn out much faster. For these same (economic) reasons, garage kits tended to consist of far fewer parts, cast as solid pieces, meaning that the completed models were quite heavy compared to those constructed out of the injection molded plastic parts (vacuformed as opposed to those of the garage companies which were simply cast) of the model kits from their officially licensed counterparts. The quality of garage kits using those molds near the end of their lifespan tended to diminish as cast parts exhibited an ever-increasing number of air bubbles and excess "flash" on the parts due to widening apertures in the seams of worn-out molds. Constructing garage kits therefore required a certain amount of experience on the part of the modeler.

Alex Jaeger, Akira class model Alex Jaeger, Saber class model
Alex Jaeger holding 1999 Starcrafts 1:1400 scaled garage kits of his Akira-class design, as well as that of his Saber-class from the same company on the right, the only physical models of either commercially available at the time (2009).

Second, aside from the practical reasons keeping production runs low, there was a legal one as well. As unauthorized companies, low production runs were a means to operate under the radar of the Paramount Marketing and Licensing Department (currently Paramount Consumer Products), thereby dodging copyright legalities. It appeared however, that the official franchise has, until recently, turned a blind eye to their activities, as no litigation against any of them were hitherto known to exist, at least publicly. [6] No doubt this was due to the fact that many of them were relatively short-lived as well as the fact that virtually all of them initially produced Star Trek ships that were not produced or planned by any of the officially licensed model kit companies at the time, even if some of those ships were yet to be produced by them later on, usually at a different scale. In turn, garage companies themselves usually observed strict adherence of not producing ships that were produced by the official model kit companies (though some of them did in later years, again at different scales) and not showing any official imagery on or in their box-art or instruction sheets as well as not distributing their products directly but rather through official intermediaries. The initial lack of legal actions against them has emboldened some of the still surviving garage companies, such as Starcraft Models, to employ professional, full-fledged websites, marketing their products. However, while former franchise owner Paramount Pictures had condoned the existence of these companies, subsequent owner CBS Corporation appeared to be of a different mindset and had more recently started to crack down on these "interlopers"; the Starcraft Models website, for example, went unexpectedly dark in late 2015, and has not been up since. [7](X)

UK-based Warp Models (one of the first, and its products at the time distributed through the famed London, UK-based genre retailer Forbidden Planet), and US-based Federation Models, Nova Hobbies, and Starcrafts (the one currently known as "Starcraft Models") were among the best-known unlicensed garage kit makers. Warp Models in particular was noteworthy, as they only produced canon ships and where possible in-scale with those of the AMT product-line. For Star Trek: First Contact, John Eaves used a garage kit of the USS Enterprise-C to create gold models which were used in the USS Enterprise-E's observation lounge. [8] With the exception of Warp Models, most garage kit companies preferred to release their Star Trek products uniformly as 1:1400 scale model kits, a scale corresponding with that of AMT's 1988 Enterprise-D model kit, but otherwise rarely used by the official model kit companies as far as their Star Trek product lines were concerned.

As a format, garage kit companies not only turned out to be popular for model kits, but for 1:3900 scale gaming miniatures as well, those originating from FASA in particular, and several specialized gaming miniatures garage companies have also been concurrently in existence.


See also[]

External links[]
