Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

For the similarly-named reference book released in 2022, please see The Star Trek Cookbook.

The official Star Trek Cookbook is a cookbook published by Pocket Books in January 1999 and was compiled by actor Ethan Phillips and William J. Birnes. This cookbook features delicate dishes from the entire franchise.


From the book jacket
Is there one food that Humans, Klingons, Bajorans, and Vulcans would like? If so, what would it taste like? How would you prepare it? Could you find all the ingredients locally?
This is the task that faces Neelix, chef for the USS Voyager, every time he takes on the challenge of trying to feed its crew of 140 food critics. But over the course of their journey, Neelix's learned a few tricks of the trade. He had to, just as a matter of self-preservation.
Ethan Phillips, in the persona of Neelix, and William J. Birnes, the New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Day After Roswell, throw wide the vaults of interstellar haute cuisine, revealing for the first time the secret preparation techniques behind all those exotic dishes and drinks. The favorite foods of characters from every Star Trek series and movie are here, all adapted for easy use in twentieth-century kitchens. The Star Trek Cookbook also features a complete guide for whipping up all the drinks served at Quark's.
Fun, and easy to use, the Star Trek Cookbook is your indispensable guide to the food of the stars!

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.



The thill is a large game bird native to the Dalibardadian Plains of Central Talax in the Delta Quadrant. A roast thill is usually served during the feast of Prixin.

Dalibardadian Plains
Region of Central Talax in the Delta Quadrant. The Dalibardadian Plains has a temperate climate and is home to a wide variety of animal and plant life.

Jimbalian fudge cake; Jimbalian seven-world omelette

See also[]
