Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)


"Collision Course"[]

An asteroid is on a collision course with the station, but Quark's new partner may have a solution in his cargo.

Background information[]


"Frozen Boyhood"[]

An old Earth ship is discovered and a find within gives Jake a new view of baseball.

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Dr. Bashir and Odo come into conflict over the treatment of a young patient in trouble with the law.

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Nog has his interest in becoming a full member of Starfleet tested.

Background information[]


"Dangerous Times"[]

An attempt to kidnap Odo during terrorist attacks on the station highlight a new threat to the Federation. There are a number of zealots who have made it their goal to stop the Founders from being in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, no matter the cost.

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Background information[]

  • This 48 page special featured five stories from five different writers.



Canon characters listed below are linked to the main article about them. Non-canon characters are not linked, but those that recurred, appearing or being mentioned in more than one story, are defined further in Malibu DS9 characters.

Regular and recurring characters[]

Julian Bashir
Chief medical officer aboard DS9.
Jadzia Dax
Trill science officer aboard DS9.


External link[]

Previous issue: Series Next issue:
"Terok Nor" Malibu DS9 Special "Worf Special"