Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)
For the filming location, please see Malibu.

Malibu Comics was a 1990s company which printed lines of comic books. Malibu, based in California, was considered an "independent" company because most of the market share of that time period was held by two New York City comics companies, DC and Marvel Comics.

Malibu Comics was licensed in 1993 to print comics taking place in the Star Trek universe, specifically those based on Deep Space Nine.

Because the license to publish Original Series and Next Generation was held (at that time) by DC, Malibu was only allowed to reference characters and situations taking place on the Deep Space Nine series, although as the two television franchises crossed over several times, so too were there comic book adaptations which featured interplay between the franchises (as part of a collaboration between DC and Malibu).

In 1995, as Malibu was preparing to branch out into a new series based on the Voyager franchise, Paramount Pictures ended their contract with Malibu (and DC as well). Malibu was also purchased in that year by competitor Marvel Comics, and several of the final issues of the DS9 series were published by Marvel under the Malibu name, before the entire Star Trek franchise ended up being published by Marvel under a new contract which created an imprint called "Paramount Comics".

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