Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

The beginning of Vellek's revlav

A revlav was a form of Romulan poetry that contained exactly five verses.

In the late 24th century, Doctor Vellek placed a revlav, as a clue to the second piece of a map containing the location of Progenitor technology, on a statue plinth at the Promellian necropolis on Lyrek. As an added security measure, he inscribed four verses on the plinth and the fifth beneath it. His revlav read:

Hello wanderer
Many worlds have you traveled
Opaline waters call to you
Thoughts are shared
A world like no other, where two souls entwine, joined as one

In 3191, Moll and L'ak found the first four verses and, unfamiliar with the nature of a revlav, were misled to Betazed. They destroyed the inscription with phasers to prevent others from reading the clue, but Captains Michael Burnham and Saru were later able to recover them via iridescent bacteria that had settled within the grooves. They also uncovered the fifth verse, which indicated the true solution to be the planet Trill. (DIS: "Under the Twin Moons")
