Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Protocol 12

A vial of Protocol 12

Protocol 12 was a drug formulated by Doctor Joseph M'Benga in the mid-23rd century, though he and Starfleet would disavow its use and manufacture. It was a cocktail of adrenaline and pain inhibitors that briefly increased aggression, pain resistance and physical capability, at the cost of negative health effects.

During the Klingon War of 2256–57, Lieutenant Va'Al Trask requested Protocol 12 from M'Benga to give his special forces team an "edge" for their mission to assassinate General Dak'Rah on J'Gal, but M'Benga refused him. Later, M'Benga took a vial for himself when he decided to take on Trask's mission alone, and also gave a vial to Nurse Christine Chapel in case the Klingons breached their base. (SNW: "Under the Cloak of War")

In 2259, M'Benga readied Protocol 12 for his and Chapel's undercover mission to infiltrate the Broken Circle on Cajitar IV. After being pressed into service onboard NCC-1279, they used the drug to engage their captors in hope of escape.

When M'Benga produced the vials, Chapel remarked, "Do you ever not carry it?", to which he replied, "no". Prior to injecting it, she asked him if he wanted to use it again, and he responded, "again, no", but he did not see them having any other choice. After the effects began to wear off, Chapel urged M'Benga that they need to get off the ship, "Unless you've got enough juice for another dance." (SNW: "The Broken Circle")
