Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Outpost 4 was an outpost constructed a mile deep on an asteroid of almost solid iron by Starfleet in 2160. This outpost was one of seven Earth Outpost Stations located on the Federation side of the Romulan Neutral Zone in Sector Z-6 of the Beta Quadrant. The outpost's protective shield was made of cast rodinium. (TOS: "Balance of Terror"; PIC: "Disengage")


The outpost was under the command of Commander Hansen Al-Salah by 2259. Under a retrofit directive, the USS Enterprise and the USS Cayuga delivered state-of-the-art matter synthesizers and a set of fully automated mining craft to Outpost 4. (SNW: "A Quality of Mercy")

That same year, the location of this outpost was labeled on a stellar cartography chart that was seen on the USS Enterprise's ready room viewscreen. (SNW: "A Quality of Mercy")

USS Enterprise arriving at Outpost 4

The Enterprise arrives at Outpost 4 after it was attack by a Romulan Bird-of-Prey.

In 2266, Outpost 4 came under attack by an unknown starship that was later discovered to be Romulan Bird-of-Prey. Although protected by full deflectors, the outpost was hit by a powerful high-energy plasma torpedo that completely blew out the outpost's deflector shield, as well as taking out its phasers and killing its weapons crew. The second attack by the plasma torpedo hit the outpost, unprotected, resulting in the base's disintegration.

During the Neutral Zone Incursion, the location of Outpost 4 was labeled on a map of Sector Z-6 that was displayed on the bridge viewscreen of the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "Balance of Terror", production art)

Between 2266 and 2366, this outpost had been replaced. The location of the new Outpost 4 was labeled on a tactical intelligence analysis star chart. This outpost received a warning from Starfleet Command about an alleged Romulan base on Nelvana III. (TNG: "The Defector", okudagram)



In the episode "Disengage", the location of this outpost was seen on the bridge of the SS Eleos XII on what appears to be an updated chart from Star Trek: Star Charts. Dave Blass published pictures of the set on his website.

According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 66), Outpost 4 was constructed in an area of space that been contested over during the Romulan War Theater of Operations (2156-2160).


SOTL 2017 October

"Duel of the Flagships"

The October spread of the Star Trek: Ships of the Line (2017) calendar titled "Duel of the Flagships" depicted the Enterprise and a Romulan Bird-of-Prey in battle over Outpost 4, by D.M. Phoenix.

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