Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
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Noonien-Singh Institute sign

The Noonien-Singh name on the Institute's sign

The Noonien-Singh family was a Human family whose name was synonymous with the risks of genetic enhancement and tyranny due to its most famous member, the Augment known as Khan Noonien Singh.

Subsequent generations faced discrimination, scorn, and bullying due to their forefather's actions. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds", "Ghosts of Illyria")

20th century[]

(TOS: "Space Seed")

In 2022, due to the changes caused in the timeline as a result of various Temporal Wars, the original events concerning the rise of Singh were pushed back, and events reinserted themselves at a later date in the timeline, a young Khan lived in the Noonien-Singh Institute for Cultural Advancement. (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

The name of the institute may suggest Khan has relatives who share his name, or that the institute's name was given to the boy as a surname in absence of another.

The Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars trilogy described a woman named Dr. Sarina Kaur (β) as Khan's surrogate mother.

23rd century[]

Direct descendants of Khan included Ronu, Manu, and La'an Noonien-Singh. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds", "Ghosts of Illyria")

In 2259 of the alternate reality, Khan Noonien Singh described his crew as his family and asked James T. Kirk if there was anything he (Kirk) would not do for his family (presumably, the crew of USS Enterprise). (Star Trek Into Darkness)

Star Trek Online features an antagonist who is a descendant of Khan, Dr. Amar Singh (β), living in the 25th century. He attempts to create a new race of Augments using Human, Klingon, and Gorn DNA.
