Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

N'Raj was a male Romulan elder who lived in the 32nd century. He supported greater self-governance for his people on Ni'Var.

In 3189, N'Raj served as a Peer in the Quorum convened for the T'Kal-in-ket invoked by Michael Burnham. At the time, his province was experiencing unrest. N'Raj was interested in Burnham's evidence that could have absolved Ni'Var of responsibility for the Burn. During the proceedings, he accused V'Kir and the Vulcans of acting in their own self-interest and threatened that the Romulans would unilaterally release SB-19 data to the Federation, causing an uproar. (DIS: "Unification III")

N'Raj was played by Oliver Becker.
