Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Miridian VI was the unhabited sixth planet in the Miridian system. This planet was located near the Romulan Neutral Zone, in the Beta Quadrant.

When Barash posed as the Human boy Ethan on Alpha Onias III in 2367, he fabricated a story about his family coming to Miridan VI after a research station had been set up on the planet in 2366. After arriving at the station in 2367, the Romulans attacked the station and captured Ethan and his family. Commander Riker felt it was odd that the USS Enterprise-D hadn't been advised by Starfleet Command about this attack. (TNG: "Future Imperfect")

In 2371, the location of Miridian VI was labeled in the star chart Data and Picard were studying in stellar cartography aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek Generations, okudagram)

This planet's quadrant of origin is inferred based on the position of its star system as seen in the star chart appearing in the Star Trek: Discovery episode "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" and in the Star Trek: Picard episode "Maps and Legends".

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