Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Merp was an alien male Starfleet operations division officer who served on the USS Cerritos during the late 24th century. He served along with fellow members of his species, Big Merp and Sleepy Merp.

Starfleet career[]

In 2380, Merp held the rank of lieutenant.

That year, he was in the shuttlebay when Ensign D'Vana Tendi arrived aboard the Yosemite, where he chatted with Arjun while standingnear the Death Valley. He was later present in the ship's bar, after the rage virus had been eliminated. (LD: "Second Contact")

He was among the engineering crew present in main engineering when Sam Rutherford requested a transfer to another department. (LD: "Envoys")

Rutherford imagined him, along with the rest of the engineering staff, having their minds blown if he'd brought back a T88 from the USS Vancouver.

During the same mission, he was also aboard the Vancouver when Mariner accused him of pulling Barbara Brinson's hair after Brinson accused Mariner herself of it; when in fact, Mariner had just cut off a lock of it. Mariner continued to give Merp flack for the incident, telling him, "[t]hat's messed up, bro. Get out of here before I do a citizen's court martial." He held his hand up, dismissing Mariner, as he walked away. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

He watched the emergence of a space vessel lifeform from the hull of the USS Rubidoux through a Cerritos viewing port. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")

Merp was promoted to the rank of full commander by late that year. He was in main engineering when the Freeman ordered the ship to power down after it captured by a Pakled Clumpship. Following the conflict, he later attended Shaxs' funeral. (LD: "No Small Parts")

In 2381, he was in the sonic showers with other members of beta shift shortly after Jet Manhaver was reassigned to that shift. He was adversely affected by the increased setting of the sonic shower after Mariner and Manhaver began adjusting the settings. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

He later participated in the training drills presented by Shari yn Yem, where he participated in and failed the simulation, Teleportation Death Tag. (LD: "I, Excretus")

Holograms []

His hologram appeared in Shari yn Yem's holodeck program Naked Time. (LD: "I, Excretus")



Background information[]

Starfleet holopod simulation scores 1

Name revealed

His name was first revealed in "I, Excretus", where it was displayed above a simulator holopod.

His doppelgänger also appeared as a crewmember rescued aboard the USS Merced.
