Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
This project is now complete. Thanks to myself (Jaz), Ellamurr, Starchild, Sulfur, Captain Mike, and most of all, rkk, we now have an article for every single novel. While there is still work to be done on these pages, Memory Alpha is now one big step closer to creating "most definitive, accurate, and accessible encyclopedia and reference for everything related to Star Trek". Thanks everyone. -- Jaz talk 03:38, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

Welcome to the novels duty roster. This page, inspired by the Vedek's Episode duty roster, will follow a three step progression to enhance the pages in our Novels section.

  1. Create appropriately formatted pages for all Novels.
  2. Ensure that each novel page has a cover picture and the summary from the back cover.
  3. Create a Memory Alpha original summary of each novel to augment the back cover.

The section below shows step 1, the novels without pages. Once you have created the page, leave the link (which should now appear blue) and add your signature beside the title. Steps 2 & 3 will be added after at a later date.

Please do not create a page with only the template. Fill in as much information as possible, in the side-bar, character, summary, and other fields.

Novels without pages[]

Star Trek (Bantam)[]

Star Trek (Ballantine)[]

Pocket TOS[]


Pocket TNG[]

