Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

I sure spent a lot of time on this site when I was a kid! Poke around on my contributions or old versions of this page and you'll see what I was up to in high school...

I love Memory Alpha, because where else am I going to go when I need to know all the episode of Next Gen that depicted shaving, or when I can't remember the name of the specialty of the Klingon restaurant on DS9. (It's racht by the way).

You won't find me edit here much. But I do like to poke my head in once in a while and fix a type or make a little change. Still love Star Trek as much as I did when I was a ban-happy 15 year old admin here--even the new stuff. But my fandom has found new expressions, like listening to some great Trek podcasts and watching the series with my wife, who's experiencing Trek for the first time. The kid's still too young for TV, but maybe we'll start her on Voyager in a few years.

This site brought me a lot of joy when I was a generally unhappy teenager, but what has surprised me is that it still brings me joy as a generally happy adult. So if you're reading this and have helped make Memory Alpha the thing it is today, thanks a heap and I hope you keep doing what you're doing.

