Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

March was a Federation scientist involved with Project Genesis under Doctor Carol Marcus.

In 2285, he served with Marcus and her colleagues aboard the space laboratory Regula I.

He watched the comm-pic communication between Marcus and Commander Pavel Chekov, and was seen mouthing "What?" after Chekov informed them that the USS Reliant would be arriving in three days. As Chekov ordered them to prepare all materials related to Project Genesis for transfer to that ship, he became incensed and said "They can't do that", as the rest of the scientists overlapped each other's comments, before being told by Dr. Marcus to "be quiet".

He later assisted Drs. Marcus by protecting their whereabouts after the arrival of the Reliant and was tortured and killed by Khan Noonien Singh for his efforts. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)


Background information[]

March was played by actor Kevin Sullivan. His costume was sold as part of the 2006 Christie's auction. [1] A second (clean) vest and undershirt were later sold separately, as well as a third (distressed) vest were also sold as part of the 2007 It's A Wrap! sale and auction. [2][3][4]

According to the script, March was described as "thin intense" and was further mentioned collectively as "all young and earnest". Ironically, Madison, another scientist amongst the group, was actually given the description that better fit the description of March, as he was otherwise described as "black, easy going".

This character was only named in the source's end credits. Evidence from the script suggests that one line intended for March, "Where are we going?", spoken at the end of Scene 49, as Dr. Marcus began hatching her plan to hide Genesis, was possibly deleted from the film's final cut.

According to the novelization of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, his full name was Delwin "Del" March.

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