Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the Wisconsin capital city, please see Madison, Wisconsin.

Madison was a Federation scientist involved with Project Genesis under Doctor Carol Marcus.

In 2285, he served with Marcus and her colleagues aboard the space laboratory Regula I.

He watched the comm-pic communication between Marcus and Commander Pavel Chekov, and was seen mouthing "What?" after Chekov informed them that the USS Reliant would be arriving in three days. As Chekov ordered them to prepare all materials related to Project Genesis for transfer to that ship, he became incensed, commenting himself as the rest of the scientists overlapped each other's comments, before being told by Dr. Marcus to "be quiet".

Later, when Dr. Marcus attempted to qualm her team and establish some order following a failed attempt to contact Vice Admiral James T. Kirk, with regards to his orders for Reliant to collect the Genesis materials, she felt the entire thing must be a mistake, but her son, Dr. David Marcus pointed out how perfect the timing was for that mistake to happen, and how the Reliant was supposed to be at Regula I's disposal, not them at Reliant's disposal. Hearing this, Madison supported the young Dr. Marcus, adding, "It seems clear that Starfleet never intended that."

He agreed to assist the Drs. Marcus, Jedda, and the Genesis Device by protecting their whereabouts after the arrival of the Reliant. He was ultimately tortured and killed by Khan Noonien Singh for his efforts. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Madison was played by actor Russell Takaki. This character was only named in the source's end credits.

Takaki's costumes were later sold in the It's A Wrap! sale and auction. [1][2][3][4][5]

According to the novelization of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, his full name was Vance Madison.

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