Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Captain Maier was a Human who served as a command division Starfleet officer in the late 24th century.

As of 2381, Maier was serving as the commanding officer of the USS Carlsbad. He was young for the position, and word was that he was on the fast track to a Galaxy-class. That year, he was assigned to coordinate with Captain Carol Freeman of the USS Cerritos to clean up the aftermath of the conflict between Outpost 76 and the indigenous Scrubble on Jengus IV.

Maier boarded the Cerritos to attend the signing of the Scrubble peace treaty, where his remarks were interpreted by Freeman as condescension about her age. The two got into an argument in which each tried to press a "sacred Scrubble totem" to the other. After the totem was broken and revealed to be a spy device, Maier authorized a small celebration for his and Freeman's crews. There, he apologized to Freeman for his behavior and accepted a smaller, neutralized piece of the totem from her for his "trinket" collection. (LD: "Mining The Mind's Mines")

Maier was voiced by Baron Vaughn.
