Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the similarly named Human female on Boimler's vineyard, please see Lianne.
"Boy, Jake, she talks a lot for a female."
– Nog, 2371 ("Life Support")

Leanne was a female Human in the 24th century. As a teen, she was a resident of Deep Space 9 during the 2370s.

As a child, her father used to take her to visit wilderness preserves on Vulcan, which left her with the impression that it was uninhabited by people, but rather natural and unspoiled. (DS9: "Life Support")

She and Jake Sisko became romantically involved in 2371, sometime after his relationship with Mardah ended, and her relationship with Orak ended. (DS9: "Fascination", "Life Support")

During the middle of that year, she asked Jake to get a date for her friend Riska. Nog invited himself to come along. The date did not go well as Nog, who was accustomed to Ferengi traditions of treating women like property, insulted Leanne and her friend. (DS9: "Life Support")

Some time after this, Leanne visited Bajor. She was due to arrive soon when Jake's father, Benjamin, decided to take a voyage in a Bajoran lightship and asked his son to come along with him. (DS9: "Explorers")

Leanne was played by Lark Voorhies.
