Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Maje Jabin was the leader of a Kazon-Ogla group on Ocampa.

Prior to 2371, Neelix had some altercations with Maje Jabin, which ended with him stealing a significant amount of water from him.

In 2371, when USS Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker, two of its crew were sent to the Ocampa homeworld. To trade for information, Voyager gave the Kazon-Ogla two large containers of water. A brief confrontation ensued, however, when Neelix freed an Ocampan slave, Kes.

Jabin later pursued Voyager when an away team attempted to board the Caretaker's array. However, Chakotay flew his ship, the Val Jean, into one of Jabin's ships, destroying it. After Captain Kathryn Janeway destroyed the array, Jabin withdrew, telling her that she had made an enemy that day. (VOY: "Caretaker")

Background information[]

Jabin was played by actor Gavan O'Herlihy who was the second actor to play that role. Actor Alan Scarfe first portrayed Jabin and filmed his scenes on Tuesday 13 September 1994 on Paramount Stage 9, representing the Kazon bridge set. On the call sheet for that day, Scarfe is listed as "Jabin (Kazon)" and finished his filming. Gavan O'Herlihy's first day of filming was Tuesday 27 September 1994 on location at the El Mirage Dry Lake Bed. He also filmed scenes on the same location the following day, Wednesday 28 September 1994. O'Herlihy finished filming on Thursday 29 September 1994 on Paramount Stage 9 where the scenes with Alan Scarfe were filmed again.

According to the call sheet, a "Jabin-Double" was used for filming additional scenes on Friday 14 October 1994 on Paramount Stage 16, representing the Kazon-Ogla camp. On Friday 11 November 1994 Bob Hughes shot scenes on 2nd unit as photo double for "Jabin".

On Ocampa, when Neelix is being carried by the Kazon-Ogla, he pronounces Jabin's title as "mah'-zhay." The pronunciation thereafter was simply "mazh."


His mirror universe counterpart (β) appeared in the novella The Mirror-Scaled Serpent in which he was likewise depicted as holding Kes prisoner on the surface of Ocampa.

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