Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

Doctor Hitoroshi Kreel was a Denobulan doctor who served in Starfleet. His specialty was designing weather modification towers to generate rain.

At some point, Kreel built five Denobulan weather modification towers on the planet Halem'no which was located along the Denobulan trade routes. This was part of a Denobulan humanitarian mission as the planet was arid without rain and suffered from severe dust storms that only increased in intensity as time went on, both the weather situation and the Halem'nite culture reminding the Denobulans of themselves. As the local species was pre-warp and pre-industrial, Kreel disguised the towers as mountains so as to not violate the Prime Directive.

Following the discovery of the Progenitors in 2369, Kreel was one of six scientists recruited by the Federation President to investigate them. They eventually found the technology used by the Progenitors to create life, but decided it was too dangerous to risk falling into the wrong hands. The group destroyed their research and erased themselves from all databases; to one day guide others to the technology, they created a map to its location that they split into five pieces. Kreel took the fourth piece and hid it, along with a clue to the fifth piece, within the fifth weather tower on Halem'no, where it remained until it was retrieved by Michael Burnham and Sylvia Tilly in 3191. By this time, all but the third tower had failed, but Burnham was able to repair the remaining tower so that Kreel's work would continue to ensure the survival of the Halem'nites. (DIS: "Whistlespeak")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
