Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A database is an electronic compilation of various information from one or more sources. It can be stored in almost any type of computer system, the most common Federation method being the LCARS.

An early example of a global database was Earth's Internet, which existed as of the 1990s and was primarily accessed via the "Interface" in the early 21st century. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part II"; VOY: "Future's End, Part II")

In the 2260s, Starfleet vessels contained an archival audio database called voice film. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

In 2364, Data used the comnet database of Starfleet Command to search for hints of a conspiracy. (TNG: "Conspiracy")

As of the 2360s, the Klingon Imperial information net was a main source of digital information in the Klingon Empire. (TNG: "Sins of The Father", "Reunion") The Klingon cultural database was another source of cultural information of the Klingons. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor")

The Bajoran Central Archives contain many databases, such as transit files and communications logs, which Bajoran citizens routinely access for both information and convenience. (DS9: "The Collaborator")

Romulan Senator Kimara Cretak was arrested, imprisoned, and possibly executed for attempting to access a top-secret Tal Shiar database. (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")

When B'Elanna Torres was abducted by the Pralor Automated Personnel Units and instructed to build a prototype unit, she was given access to databases and schematics, but not allowed to interface with critical systems. (VOY: "Prototype")

Federation starship holodecks contained databases which stored holographic programs. (VOY: "Renaissance Man")

In an ultimately unused line of dialogue from the first draft script of DS9: "When It Rains...", Miles O'Brien stated, "Anytime you access a database, you leave a trail of crumbs." The script involved O'Brien worrying that his and Julian Bashir's search through Starfleet Medical's database, which they conducted in Deep Space 9's infirmary, might be traced back to them. The pair thereafter tried to search the same database's routing log, using a data-sifter, for any sign of who had tampered with the files, but this attempt was thwarted by a burn-back which insinuated that Section 31 operative Sloan had run the burn-back.
