Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Admiral Ben Hibon was a Starfleet flag officer in the 24th century.

Hibon was listed as a Starfleet Command officer on the dedication plaque of the USS Protostar. (PRO: "Last Flight of the Protostar, Part I")

In 2384, he was listed on the communications station of the USS Dauntless as having sent a confidential message to admiral Kathryn Janeway. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2", "Crossroads", "Mindwalk")

He served aboard the Dauntless as a chief of intelligence. His name was listed with other crew members on an information panel in the ship's transporter room. He was listed as being off the ship on Earth. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 1")

This character was only mentioned in writing.

He was presumably named for Ben Hibon.

A clear view of the information panel was provided by Dominique Rossier of Wardenlight Studio. [1]
