Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed individuals who lived during unspecified eras.

296+ violinists []

These violinists were among the three hundred (the others being Tataglia, Heifetz, Menuhin, and Grak-tay) whose musical styles Data was programmed to be able to imitate by 2366. (TNG: "Sarek")

These violinists were only mentioned in dialogue.

Fendaus V leaders []

These leaders had a genetic condition that left them lacking limbs. (TNG: "Loud As A Whisper")

These leaders were only mentioned in dialogue.

Flint's wives []

Flint claimed to have been married for love a hundred times, as of 2269. In his own words, he had "selected, loved, cherished. Caressed a smoothness, inhaled a brief fragrance." Having to lose them all to death prompted him to attempt to make himself an immortal mate, ultimately culminating in the creation of Rayna Kapec. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah")

These women were only mentioned in dialogue.

As he had made it off of Earth sometime before 2269, his wives may not all have been Human.

Guinan's marriages []

According to Guinan, her husbands all knew she was never good at being confined to quarters. (TNG: "Evolution")

As of 2379, she had married twenty-three times. When asked by Geordi La Forge if she ever though about getting married again, she told him that 23 was her limit. (Star Trek Nemesis)

These husbands were only mentioned in dialogue.

Onaya's artists []

Other than Catullus, Tarbolde, John Keats, and Tavor Kell, these hundreds of artists were all recipients of Onaya's inspiration. Unfortunately, they all died younger than they would have. Onaya believed that the immortality her influence afforded them was worth it. (DS9: "The Muse")

These artists were only mentioned in dialogue.

Scalosians' non-Scalosian mates[]

According to Deela, the Scalosians had to take mates outside their own people after their men became sterile. Accelerating them with Scalosian water caused these mates to burn out. (TOS: "Wink of an Eye")

These mates were only mentioned in dialogue.

Sural's parents []

These parents of Sural were beheaded by their son while he was dictator of Sakura Prime. (VOY: "Dreadnought")

These parents were only mentioned in dialogue.

Sural's rivals []

These rivals of Sural were beheaded by him while he was dictator of Sakura Prime. (VOY: "Dreadnought")

These rivals were only mentioned in dialogue.

Temporal agents []

According to Crewman Daniels, himself a temporal agent, dozens of temporal agents were stationed throughout the timeline with orders to alter history after the outbreak of the Temporal War. He informed T'Pol of this in Enterprise NX-01's sickbay when he had sent the ship back in time to 1944 to avert the war. (ENT: "Storm Front")

These agents were only mentioned in dialogue.

Tyken's crew []

Prior to 2367, the crew under the command of Bela Tyken did not suffer from behavioral changes or sleep disturbances while trapped in what would later be referred to as a Tyken's Rift. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

This crew was only mentioned in dialogue.

"Worse than Hitler" person[]

A person who was described as being "worse than Hitler" was the subject of a mission undertaken by the USS Vancouver, in which that person was killed when the Vancouver time travelled with that objective. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

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Unnamed individuals
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Unnamed individuals (21st century)