Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Electronic keyboard

Sulu's electronic keyboard

An electronic keyboard was a type of musical instrument that could be played by pressing the keys to play certain notes.

According to an account that was anything but canon, Hikaru Sulu played an electronic keyboard in a Post-Mainframe Acid-Cardassian Ten Forwardcore band. Other members of the band were William T. Riker, who played the trombone; Montgomery Scott, who played the drums; Arex, who played the double guitar and M'Ress on the tambourine. The band also made use of the various sounds that was available on the bridge of the USS Enterprise. They even played back old videos with the TOS era crew, allowing the chirping sound of their clamshell communicators to make music as well. (VST: "Walk, Don't Run")

In 2024, the band that played at Deacon's had a keyboard player. (PIC: "Monsters")

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