Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

In Conversation

Berman and Braga "In Conversation"

On The Set

"On The Set" with Roxann Dawson

ENT S1 BR Best Buy ad

Best Buy ad for "Shuttlepod One: Declassified"

Castillo shuttlepod

John Castillo in the Shuttlepod One set piece

Broken Bow audio commentary recording

Conway, Curry, Keating, and Trinneer recording the new "Broken Bow" audio commentary

Star Trek: Enterprise - Season One is a Blu-ray Disc release, featuring the complete first season of Star Trek: Enterprise in 1080p high-definition. It was released in North America on 28 March 2013, two days later than originally scheduled. [1]

While in some cases still being marketed as region-restricted, the releases were in actuality region-free as this was at the time increasingly becoming commonplace for the Blu-ray format. [2]

Online content[]

In addition to the list of special features included on the Blu-ray set, an additional fifteen-minute feature entitled "Shuttlepod One: Declassified" was made available to consumers who purchased the Season One set at Best Buy stores. In North America, this feature was only available as a digital download through Best Buy's "CinemaNow" streaming media service, and focused on the making of the first season episode. [3] In Germany the special was made available for a limited time to all (German, Austrian and Swiss only) customers of their Blu-ray release, though it too had to be separately downloaded at CBS's German home page, Star, by redeeming a code customers acquired with their purchase. The German buyers, though, had a distinct advantage, as their download was offered in 1080p high resolution, as opposed to the Best Buy customers, who had to make do with a poorly encoded low-resolution video file. To customers anywhere else in the world, the special feature was not made available. [4]

Disc contents[]

"Broken Bow" (86:54)
"Fight or Flight" (44:20)
"Strange New World" (44:20)
Special Features
Archival Features
  • Audio Commentary on "Broken Bow" with Rick Berman and Brannon Braga
  • Text Commentary on "Broken Bow" by Mike and Denise Okuda
  • Deleted scenes from "Broken Bow"
  • Deleted scenes from "Fight or Flight"
  • Creating Enterprise
  • O Captain! My Captain!
  • NX-01 File 02
"Unexpected" (44:18)
"Terra Nova" (44:24)
"The Andorian Incident" (44:23)
"Breaking the Ice" (44:25)
"Civilization" (44:24)
Archival Features
  • Text Commentary on "The Andorian Incident" by Mike and Denise Okuda
  • Deleted scene from "Unexpected"
  • Cast Impressions: Season One
  • Enterprise Secrets
"Fortunate Son" (44:25)
"Cold Front" (44:25)
"Silent Enemy" (44:23)
"Dear Doctor" (44:24)
"Sleeping Dogs" (44:24)
Special Features
Archival Features
  • Deleted scene from "Sleeping Dogs"
  • Star Trek Time Travel
  • Admiral Forrest Takes Center Stage
"Shadows of P'Jem" (44:26)
"Shuttlepod One" (44:24)
"Fusion" (44:23)
"Rogue Planet" (44:23)
"Acquisition" (44:25)
Special Features
Archival Features
  • Deleted scene from "Shuttlepod One"
  • Inside Shuttlepod One
  • NX-01 File 01
  • NX-01 File 03
"Oasis" (44:24)
"Detained" (44:24)
"Vox Sola" (44:25)
"Fallen Hero" (44:25)
"Desert Crossing" (44:24)
Special Features
  • On the Set
Archival Features
  • Text Commentary on "Vox Sola" by Mike and Denise Okuda
  • Deleted scenes from "Oasis"
  • Deleted scenes from "Fallen Hero"
  • Enterprise Outtakes
"Two Days and Two Nights" (44:24)
"Shockwave" (44:24)
Special Features
Archival Features
  • Deleted scene from "Two Days and Two Nights"
  • Deleted scenes from "Shockwave"
  • Celebrating Star Trek
Best Buy Special Feature Exclusive
Special Feature

External links[]

Previous release:
TNG Season 2 Blu-ray
Star Trek: Enterprise
Next release:
TNG Season 3 Blu-ray
Previous series release:
First Blu-ray release in series
Next series release:
ENT Season 2 Blu-ray