Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lieutenant Durga was a female Vulcan Starfleet sciences division officer assigned to the USS Oakland.

At some point in her career, Durga and Captain Amina Ramsey encountered four Borg drones. She was able to fight them using "Vulcan jujitsu", which she considered unorthodox.

In 2380, on stardate 57752.6, Durga was temporarily transferred to the USS Cerritos along with Captain Ramsey and Lieutenants Ottessa Warren and Drew Prachett. During her time aboard the Cerritos, she got acquainted with Ramsey's old friend from Starfleet Academy, Ensign Beckett Mariner, who she spoke fondly of. Durga had a dry personality and was never interested in making conversations during missions. She looked down on Mariner, and constantly pointed out her flaws at any opportunity. She accompanied both away missions on Khwopa and aboard the USS Rubidoux. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")

Durga was present on the bridge of the Oakland when they were at Douglas Station in 2381. (LD: "The Stars At Night")

Durga was voiced by Jennifer Hale.

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