Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Dock control or docking control was an element of Yard Command maintained by the dockmaster of a dry dock.

In an alternate reality, as the USS Enterprise prepared to depart Spacedock, following the retraction of the ship's moorings, dock control contacted the ship and reported ready, permitting Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu to fire the ship's thruster and separate from Spacedock. (Star Trek)

During Spock's successful attempt to steal the USS Enterprise from Starbase 1 in 2259, the crew simulated a warp core breach, and began venting ionized plasma from the warp nacelles. When this was detected by docking control, they immediately blew the docking clamps andordered the ship to make space between the station and themselves. (SNW: "The Broken Circle")

During the Enterprise's departure from dry dock during the mid-2270s, after dock control reported ready, and Yard Command signaled clear, Lieutenant Commander Hikaru Sulu engaged the ships maneuvering thrusters while maintaining station keeping, before being ordering to take the ship out. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

During the 24th century, Intrepid-class starships had their own dock controls were an automated system responsible for controlling the docking clamps, and when operative, allowed for the decompression sequence to be completed. (VOY: "The Disease")
