Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
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Ardra as the Devil

Ardra as the Devil, the chief of demons

For additional meanings of "Demon", please see Demon.

A demon, also known as an evil spirit or evil beast, was a supernatural being usually presented as being evil. According to Chakotay, every culture had its demons, embodying the darkest emotions of its people and given form. Tuvok disputed this, arguing that fables about demons were only necessary in cultures that unduly emphasized emotional behavior. He pointed out that there were no demons in Vulcan literature. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons")

According to legend, wizards had helpers sent by Satan that were called familiars. Familiars were actually demons in animal form. (TOS: "Catspaw")

Ancient texts referred to the Iconians as "Demons of Air and Darkness", able to instantly appear on distant planets without the use of spaceships. (TNG: "Contagion")

During the mid-22nd century, the Tellarite Gral referred to the Andorians, with whom they maintained a poor relationship with, as "blue demons". (ENT: "Babel One")

Once in 2366, Lwaxana Troi mispronounced the Ferengi title "DaiMon" as "demon". (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")

Upon meeting Data in 2370, Talur thought his grandmother would have believed the android to be a demon. (TNG: "Thine Own Self")

In an alternate 2371 on Makull's homeworld, Latika panicked after becoming convinced that Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris, who had seemingly miraculously appeared on the boy's homeworld but had actually traveled there from the near future via subspace fractures, were demons that had appeared "out of thin air" but a cynical law enforcement officer dismissed the child's fears, telling the boy that he had been reading too many darkstorm tales and that demons did not really exist, before instructing the boy to move along. After Latika later approached the visitors with accusations that they were lying, an irritated Paris pretended to confirm the child's fears and claimed that both he and Janeway ate young boys, scaring Latika away. He never again repeated his claims that the two visitors were demons and soon discovered their true identities, ultimately becoming friends with Paris. (VOY: "Time and Again")

In an ultimately omitted line of dialogue from the script of "Time and Again", the same officer who reproved Latika for regarding Janeway and Paris as "demons" not only attested that demons don't exist but added, "Unless you count politicians."

As the two adversaries met for the last time in the Fire Caves in 2375, Dukat called himself a demon and Benjamin Sisko an angel. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

That same year, after undergoing a procedure to remove a cytoplasmic lifeform from her against her will, B'Elanna Torres retreated to her quarters and released a fragrance that she described as being a combination of a mental relaxant and an expeller of demons. Kathryn Janeway came to explain her reasons for ordering The Doctor to perform the procedure, but Torres was still upset, and Janeway suggested that there were perhaps still a few demons in the air. (VOY: "Nothing Human")

Shackled demon

Depiction of a shackled demon on a pixmit card

Ancestral Romulans believed that during Ganmadan or the Day of Annihilation, shackled demons would break their chains and answer the call of Seb-Cheneb. (PIC: "Absolute Candor")

Types of demons[]

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