Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

DSC-02 was a 32nd century UFP-02-type Federation shuttlecraft operated by Starfleet. This shuttle was assigned to the USS Discovery.

In 3190, Captain Saru, Doctor Hugh Culber, and Commanders Gen Rhys and Ronald A. Bryce aboard shuttlecraft DSC-02 attempted, under cloak, to dock with Booker's ship and prevent Cleveland Booker and Ruon Tarka from using an isolytic weapon on the DMA. Upon extending an airlock field, the shuttle was overcome by an autonomous defense system that Tarka had created and integrated into Booker's ship. The system covered the shuttle, breaking through its structural integrity, and destroyed it right after its crew were able to transport back to Discovery. (DIS: "Rubicon")

The call sign for this shuttle was pronounced as "Disco Two."
