Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A coronal mass ejection, abbreviated CME, was an eruption of magnetized plasma from a star's corona into the solar wind. The shock waves caused by a CME created a proton storm. Jett Reno likened this astronomical phenomenon to a burp for a star. (DIS: "Die Trying")

In 2259, the USS Stardiver observed an unusual series of coronal mass ejections from the red supergiant Shangdi. Immediately after, the ship was attacked by the Gorn, with the only survivor being Lieutenant jg Montgomery Scott. Based on Scott's account, Lieutenant Sam Kirk hypothesized that the light from the CMEs may have triggered the Gorn's aggressive actions. (SNW: "Hegemony")

In 3189, the USS Tikhov was hit by a coronal mass ejection from a nearby star. The CME was accompanied by a bright light, which Doctor Attis, the sole survivor from the starship, reported seeing before the ship was impacted by a radioactive proton storm. (DIS: "Die Trying")

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