Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Red supergiant, The naked now remastered

A red supergiant.

You may also be looking for a red giant.

A red supergiant is a type of star.

Beta Stromgren, which exploded in a supernova in 2366, was a red supergiant. (TNG: "Tin Man")

Idran, the primary of the Idran system, was a supergiant. (DS9: "Emissary")

The SS Tsiolkovsky spent eight months, from late 2363 to 2364, monitoring the collapse of a red supergiant into a white dwarf. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

In 2401, red supergiant and supergiant were listed as two of the results in Raffaela Musiker's search for the "red lady". (PIC: "The Next Generation")

Both Antares and Betelgeuse are red supergiants.

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