Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Cloud cover was the percentage of the sky that was obscured by clouds. Life on a cloud covered world was difficult for most humanoids to survive in.

While studying 1969 Earth, Spock reported that an unknown craft was approaching the USS Enterprise under cloud cover. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

In 2286, the call of the Whale Probe transformed ocean water into cloud vapor on the planet Earth. This increased cloud cover resulted in an increase of severe weather across the planet. Cities across the globe reported the increasing percentage of cloud cover to Starfleet. For cities that had 100% cloud cover, like Tokyo and Leningrad, these places were reduced to drawing power from the Planetary Reserve after losing main electrical power. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

On one particular day in 2378, a view of Earth from McKinley Station revealed little cloud cover. Reginald Barclay showed it to Kathryn Janeway long-distance, prompting her to comment, "Quite a view." (VOY: "Author, Author")

Miri (planet)

Earth Two, without any clouds

In Star Trek: The Original Series, the Earth, as well as Miri's Earth, were occasionally seen without any cloud cover. This was fixed in the remastered versions of the episode.

In the final draft script of "The Council", the Xindi Council planet was commonly referred to as "cloud-covered planet".

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