Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Mirror universe

For the prime universe counterpart, please see Christopher Pike.

Christopher Pike was a 23rd century Terran Imperial Starfleet officer. He served as the commanding officer of the ISS Enterprise until his assassination by James T. Kirk through use of the Tantalus field, who subsequently rose to the position of captain.

In 2267, Kirk's counterpart from the prime reality (who had switched places with mirror Kirk due to a transporter malfunction) learned of Pike's assassination by querying the computer regarding mirror Kirk's official record. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")


Background information[]

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.


In the novelization of "Mirror, Mirror", Pike assumed command of the Enterprise in 2251 when he assassinated the previous captain. Karl Franz (β).

In Star Trek: Mirror Images, Pike was commanding officer with Kirk as his first officer.

In the Star Trek: Ongoing comic based on the alternate reality created by Nero, There were two different versions of the mirror Christopher Pike. In "Mirrored, Part 2", Pike was a Senator.

In "Live Evil, Part 3", according to a second mirror version of James T. Kirk, Pike was captain of ISS Enterprise (β) and was a "maniac who loved to nothing more than torturing helpless ensigns." He was killed by Kirk, who was Pike's first officer.

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