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Memory Alpha
Carrington Award

Crusher's Carrington Award

The Carrington Award was one of the most prestigious honors granted by the Federation in the field of medicine, generally regarded as a lifetime achievement award. Five nominees were selected by the Federation Medical Council every year. At the base of the award, there was the Latin motto, "Primum Non Nocere" ("First, Do No Harm").

In the 23rd century, in the commendations section of Christopher Pike's personnel file, this award was listed with other awards he had earned during his lifetime prior to 2257. (DIS: "Brother")

During her time on the USS Enterprise, Una Chin-Riley was awarded this decoration. It, along with other awards, was listed in her personnel file, in the section "USS Enterprise - NCC-1701 Medals and Decorations". (SNW: "Ad Astra per Aspera")

Doctor April Wade of the University of Nairobi was nominated for the Carrington in 2368, but did not win. Some people thought her nomination was premature, though she was 103 years old at the time.

In 2371, the nominees were Doctor Wade, Healer Senva of the Vulcan Medical Institute, Doctor Henri Roget of the Central Hospital of Altair, Chirurgeon Ghee P'Trell of Andoria, and Doctor Julian Bashir of Deep Space 9, nominated for his work on Biomolecular replication. Bashir was the youngest person ever to be nominated for the award. Henri Roget was the winner of the Carrington that year.

Quark was unimpressed with Bashir's nomination, calling him a quack after he failed to find any medical problem with Grand Nagus Zek. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")

In 2401, Dr. Beverly Crusher kept her Carrington Award among her belongings on the SS Eleos XII. (PIC: "The Next Generation")


Background information[]

In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 215, Robert Hewitt Wolfe notes that the Carrington and the way that no one is sure which doctor was going to win is an in-joke to Star Trek: The Next Generation's Emmy Award nomination for its final season. It was believed NYPD Blue was going to win, but then it appeared that The Next Generation had a chance. In the end, neither won, as Picket Fences was awarded the Emmy.

In a line cut from "The Die is Cast", Vice Admiral Toddman noted to Julian Bashir that he was "in trouble", because the admiral had bet two cases of Saurian brandy that he was going to win the Carrington Award that year. Toddman told Bashir, "You lost, which means I lost. And I don't like to lose".

In the first draft script of "When It Rains...", Odo mentioned this award in a private conversation with Bashir. This was in response to the doctor explaining that he was trying to design a scanner that could detect if someone was being impersonated by a Founder. Interrupting him, Odo replied by rhetorically asking whether, if Bashir was successful in this attempt, he would "win the Carrington prize an unprecedented second time."

In David R. George III's non-canon Crucible novel Provenance of Shadows, it is revealed that Leonard McCoy was awarded the Carrington at one point in his life.

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