Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Brill cheese

Brill cheese

Brill cheese was a creamy, pale green cheese.

In 2371, in response to Ensign Ashmore's request for macaroni and cheese, Neelix made brill cheese from schplict (grakel milk), which the USS Voyager crew had obtained on the planet Napinne the week before. However, the bacterial cultures he used accidentally infected the ship's bio-neural gel packs, causing major malfunctions. (VOY: "Learning Curve")

Following Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant in 2378, the incident with the brill cheese led it to become known as "Neelix cheese". When Voyager was converted into a museum ship, an exhibit devoted to the cheese was installed on Deck 7. In 2381, after Voyager was taken over by a Borg macrobot, Ensign Sam Rutherford used the cheese to shut down the bio-neural systems and allow USS Cerritos personnel to regain control. (LD: "Twovix")
