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Memory Alpha
Rokeg blood pie

A Rokeg blood pie

Rokeg blood pie was a traditional Klingon food.

William T. Riker claimed to enjoy Rokeg blood pie while aboard the IKS Pagh in 2365. (TNG: "A Matter Of Honor")

Rokeg blood pie was one of Worf's favorite foods; when he was a child, he refused to eat Human food and his adoptive mother Helena Rozhenko learned how to prepare it just for him. However neither she or her husband ever learned how to eat it. Helena Rozhenko mentioned this when she and her husband Sergey Rozhenko were surprised when Guinan informed them of Worf's affinity for prune juice. As she and her husband were leaving the USS Enterprise-D, she asked Worf if there was anything he wanted from home. He at first said that there was not, but then requested that she send some of her homemade Rokeg blood pie. (TNG: "Family")

Worf ordered the dish while on board the IKS Rotarran in 2374. (DS9: "Sons and Daughters")

It was traditional to eat blood pie on the Day of Honor. In 2374, Neelix tried to surprise B'Elanna Torres when he made blood pie for her on the Day of Honor. (VOY: "Day of Honor")

According to the Star Trek Cookbook, the pie was pumpkin pie mix colored with fruit juice. Beets were used to create the "hairy" appearance.

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