Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Black licorice

Black licorice

Black licorice was a type of Earth black-colored candy, which wasn't to be confused with red licorice. It was a fairly divisive candy, with some enjoying it and others finding the taste unpleasant.

After the shuttlecraft Yosemite crashed on a desert planet in 2381, its replicator malfunctioned, and could only produce black licorice, which Ensign Beckett Mariner called "the least nutritious food that [tasted] the most like poison." Later, to her and Ensign Brad Boimler's disgust, they found that some edible fruit from a nearby tree-like plant also tasted like black licorice. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")

Jett Reno eating a licorice

Jett Reno eating a piece of licorice

In 3189, Commander Jett Reno entered engineering test bay alpha with a piece of black licorice, which she chewed on during her time in the bay.

When Adira Tal informed Reno of the rule which prohibited food in the bay, Reno retorted that licorice was not a food, but a candy. She then added that licorice was practically an accessory. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 2")

While imprisoned on Booker's ship in 3190, Reno badgered Cleveland Booker into giving her black licorice, which she used to activate a communicator chip to contact the USS Discovery. She later explained: "The glycyrrhizic acid in licorice, when it dissolves, it conducts electricity." (DIS: "Species Ten-C")

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