Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Barjan T'Or was a Vulcan criminal who lived during the 23rd century. He was one of the V'tosh ka'tur, Vulcans who valued emotion as well as logic.

Barjan was responsible for an uprising on Kepler-22b, for which he was wanted by the El-Keshtanktil.

In 2259, he was located on Starbase 1, and T'Pring and K'Tyll were dispatched to apprehend him. Barjan agreed to surrender, but insisted on speaking only to T'Pring. At the time, T'Pring and Spock had inadvertently swapped bodies, and thus it was Spock (within T'Pring's body) who met Barjan with Christine Chapel as support. Barjan reacted negatively to Chapel and expressed disgust at the idea of T'Pring being betrothed to Spock, revealing himself to be prejudiced against Humans. Spock ended their encounter by punching Barjan, which T'Pring later noted was a logical response. (SNW: "Spock Amok")

Barjan T'Or was played by Alden Adair.
